CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Survey mApp Solution Items

The mApp Solution includes the following items:

Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Automated Processes Satisfactory Threshold Notification, Send Survey, Unsatisfactory Threshold, Update Survey Template Average Score Import
Business Objects   Survey, Survey (group member of Survey Element), Survey (Portal Default view), Survey Answer, Survey Element, Survey Template, Survey Template Status, Survey Type Import
Customer, Customer - Internal, Incident Merge
Counter Survey Template ID Import
Custom View Portal Default Don't Change
Dashboard Surveys Import
Fields Questions Import/Overwrite
Allow Anonymous, Alt 1 Command, Alt 1 Command Name, Alt 1 Status, Alt 1 Status Text, Alt 1 Status Text_de-DE, Alt 1 Status Text_en-US, Alt 1 Status Text_es-ES, Alt 1 Status Text_fr-FR, Alt 1 Status Text_pt-BR, Alt 2 Command, Alt 2 Command Name, Alt 2 Status, Alt 2 Status Text, Alt 2 Status Text_de-DE, Alt 2 Status Text_en-US, Alt 2 Status Text_es-ES, Alt 2 Status Text_fr-FR, Alt 2 Status Text_pt-BR, Anonymous, Answer, Answer_de-DE, Answer_en-US, Answer_es-ES, Answer Five, Answer Four, Answer_fr-FR, Answer One, Answer_pt-BR, Answer Seven, Answer Six, Answer Three, Answer Two, Average Score, Company Code, Company ID, Company Name, Completed Date Time, Completion Action Command, Created By, Created By ID, Created Culture, Created Date Time, Date Time Completed, Description, Design Display, Last Completed Survey Date, Last Modified By, Last Modified By ID, Last Modified Date Time, LastModTimeStamp, Last Survey Date, Last Survey Score, Next Status, Next Status Command, Next Status Command Name, Next Status Text, Next Status Text_de-DE, Next Status Text_en-US, Next Status Text_es-ES, Next Status Text_fr-FR, Next Status Text_pt-BR, Number of Scored Questions, Owned By, Owned By Email, Owned By ID, Owned By Team, Parent RecID, Parent TypeID, Question Five, Question Five Score, Question Four, Question Four Score, Question One, Question One Score, Question Seven, Question Six, Question Three, Question Three Score, Question Two, Question Two Score, RecID, Review Mode, Satisfactory Threshold, Satisfactory Threshold Notified, Satisfactory Warning, Score, Status, Status ID, Status order, Status_de-DE, Status_en-US, Status_es-ES, Status_fr-FR, Status_pt-BR, Survey ID, Survey Instructions, Survey Taker, Survey Taker ID, Survey Taker Type ID, Survey Template ID, Survey Title, SurveyElement Type ID, SurveyElement Type Name, Survey Title, Survey Type, Survey Type_de-DE, Survey Type_en-US, Survey Type_es-ES, Survey Type_fr-FR, Survey Type_pt-BR Technician, Technician Avatar, Technician Email, Technician ID, Technician Phone, Technician Team, Technician Team ID, temp_status_set, Template Locked, Unsatisfactory Threshold, Unsatisfactory Threshold Notified, Unsatisfactory Warning, Welcome Text Import
Form Arrangement Survey Template Import
Forms Survey, Survey Answer, Survey Overview, Survey Summary, Survey Template, Survey Template Status, Survey Template Summary, Survey Type Import
Grids Survey, Survey Answer, Survey Element, Survey Template, Survey Template Status, Survey Type Import
Image editor_24_blue_form Don't Change
Index Customer_Department, Customer_Email, Customer_Full, Customer_Phone, Customer_TypeID_SAMAccountName, Customer_VIP, Incident_IncidentType, Incident_IncidentType, Incident_OwnedByID, Incident_RecID, IncidentCreatedDT, IncidentID, IncidentIdx_ServiceCartRecID, IncidentIdx_ServiceCatalogTemplateRecId, IncidentService, IncidentStatus, PK_Customer Overwrite
PK_SurveyAnswer, PK_SurveyElement, PK_SurveyTemplateStatus, PK_SurveyType, Survey_SurveyTitle, SurveyElementIdx0, SurveyElementIdx1, SurveyElementIdx2, SurveyTemplate_SurveyTitle, SurveyTemplateIdx0, SurveyTemplateIdx1, SurveyTemplateStatusIdx0 Import
Lookup Tables Survey Template Status, Survey Answer, Survey Type Import
Mergeable Area Survey Actions Overwrite
Metric Values Completed Surveys, Completed Surveys Percentage, Total Surveys Import
One-Step Actions Assign to Individual, Assign to Team, Create and Send Survey, Delete Survey, Follow up with Customer, Follow up with Technician, Go To Incident, Go To Survey, Next Status, Publish, Retire, Satisfactory Threshold Notification, Set Default, Set Lock, Submit, Take Ownership, Unsatisfactory Threshold Notification, Update Survey Template Score Import
Relationships Customer Owns Surveys, Incident Owns Surveys, Survey Owned By Customer, Survey Owned By Incident, Survey Owned By Survey Template, Survey Template Links to Status, Survey Template Links UserInfo, Survey Template Owns Survey Import
Customer Group Links Customer Status, Customer is on CAB, Customer links SLA, Customer Owns Password Reset Form, Customers Have History, Customers use CIs, Customers Have Incidents Don't Change
Searches All Surveys, Current Satisfaction Surveys, Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Unsatisfactory Customer Satisfaction Surveys Import
Stored Expressions Average Score, Hyperlink to CSM Browser Client, Hyperlink to CSM Desktop Client, Last 30 Days, Last 7 Days, Number of Scored Questions, Question Five Visibility, Question Four Visibility, Question One Visibility, Question Seven Visibility, Question Six Visibility, Question Three Visibility, Question Two Visibility, Score, Scored Questions, Survey Taker, Survey Taker ID, Survey Template ID, Technician ID, Technician Team Import
Stored Value Default Survey Template ID Import
Survey Actions Automatic Actions>Save Actions Import/Overwrite
Theme Prussian Blue Don't Change
Widgets Completed Surveys, Percent Complete, Satisfactory Survey, Survey Avg Score-Difficulty, Survey Avg Score-Overall Service, Survey Avg Score-Recommend, Survey Avg Score - Skill Knowledge, Survey Avg Score-Timeliness, Survey Date Filter, Unsatisfactory Survey, WB-Average Survey Score Import
  • Import: Add new item.
  • Overwrite: Replace target item.
  • Merge: Merge differences.
  • Don't Change: Referenced by the mApp Solution, but not altered in any way. The mApp Solution includes the definition for informational purposes only (the definition is not imported into the target system).

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