CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


CMDB Installed Software

Use CMDB Installed Software to view Installed Software on the selected Computer or Server.

To locate CMDB Installed Software:

  1. In CSM Desktop Client or CSM Browser Client, select Tools > CMDB.
  2. In the Configuration Items to show drop-down list, select Config-Computer or Config-Server.
  3. Double-click any Computer or Server in the list.
  4. Select the Installed Software page.
  5. To view the Installed Software form:
    • Double-click the Installed Software in the grid.


    • Select the Installed Software in the grid and select View > Form View.

Installed Software Grid

Use the CMDB Installed Software grid to view Installed Software on the selected Computer or Server.

The following table describes the columns in the grid.

Column Description Comments
Product The software product name as defined on the Installed Software Form. For more information, see About CMDB.
Vendor The Vendor for the software product as defined on the Installed Software Form.
Version The Version of the software product as defined on the Installed Software Form.
Install Date The Install Date of the software product as defined on the Installed Software Form.

Installed Software Form

Use the CMDB Installed Software form to view or modify the Installed Software on the selected Computer or Server.

The following table describes the fields on the form.

Field Description Comments
Default Form Lists the Product, Vendor, Version, and Install Date of the installed software. For more information, see About CMDB.
Product Type the Product Name for the installed software.
Present Select this box if the installed software is present.
Vendor Type the name of the Vendor for the installed software.
Version Type the Version of the installed software.
Install Date Select the Date the software was installed.

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