CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Define Meeting Minutes

Use the Meeting Minutes tab in to define and track important activities and decisions made during the progress of the project.

Note:This functionality is only available after you apply the mApp Solution.

To define meeting minutes:

  1. On the Meeting Minutes tab in the form arrangement, select New ITPT Meeting Minutes.
  2. Complete the meeting minute details:
    1. Meeting Minute ID: Provide an identification code for the meeting minute (example: 1A).
    2. Add a title, category, and description.
    3. Type an explanation of the meeting minute (example: Assess status of deliverables).
    4. Select a status and due date.
    5. Select a name from the Ball in Court drop-down list or select the Select User link. This is the person that owns the meeting minute.
    6. The Ball in Court E-Mail field is auto-populated based on the customer record of the user (Ball in Court).
    7. Select the Send an Email link to define and send a notification email to the user (Ball in Court).
      The meeting minute form automatically saves.

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