CSM 10.2.3 Fixes List
CSM 10.2.3 Release Notes: this list describes fixed issues that were reported in previous releases.
- DR 51023 Performance: Fixed a performance issue that could occur in the Browser Client when users navigated between Business Objects.
Business Object Design Elements
- DR 50952 Grids: When two or more records are selected in a grid view in the Browser Client, the Actions menu is now disabled. When a single record is selected, the Action menu is enabled. The actions appear in the Actions drop-down menu as defined in the Business Object's context menu Action items.
- DR 51035 Related Item Navigation: Fixed a null reference exception error that occurred when a Business Object that had Related Item Navigation hidden was saved.
Web Applications
- DR 50983 Portal: Fixed an issue where the Technician View was incorrectly being shown to Portal users when a user's authorization token was refreshed (this happens after 20 minutes by default).
- CSM-71904 CSM Administrator: An exception message is no longer displayed when you fail to complete a required field when adding data to a lookup table.
- DR 50381 Data Imports: Fixed an issue where imports from external data sources, especially those other than SQL Server, would fail if a filter was applied to the import.
- DR 51000 Approvals: To fix a performance issue when running 3Tier and using the Choose Approvers window, Teams and Workgroups now only load team members upon expansion. If a team has no team members and a user expands the team, they see a message stating "Currently no members found". To find customers and add them to the Approval block, a new button has been added that accesses the Contact Manager. Also you can no longer search for individual team members by selecting a "Workgroup" or "Teams" from the drop-down list, you must now select "Users" in the drop-down list instead and search for members that way.
- DR 51060 Trusted Agent: Fixed connectivity issues when CSM was deployed in a Server Farm configuration.