CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure the Server Connection

Use the Connection Wizard to configure the Server connection.

The Connection Wizard is automatically launched by the Installation Wizard during the Server installation. The server connection is a direct-to-database/2-tier connection between the Cherwell Application Server and the CSM database.

Note: Using a proxy server during configuration is not supported or recommended. Proxy servers can change request headers and cache information, both of which can cause unknown and unexpected issues with the Cherwell Client and Web Applications.

To configure the Server connection:

  1. Open the Connection Wizard in one of the following ways:
    • Automatically opens during installation If installing the Demo or Starter database (new User).
    • Manually open the Connection Wizard from the Connect to CSM window by selecting Add.
    • For an existing User with a CSM connection already configured, the Connection Wizard does not appear, but there is a prompt to update the database either during the installation process or on first run of an application if an update is required.
  2. Review the introductory text.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Select a connection type:
    • Connect to a Cherwell Server.This option takes you to the Server Location page next to provide the URL for the Cherwell Application Server.
    • Connect directly to a Cherwell database (this is a direct-to-database/2-tier connection).
  5. Select Next.
  6. Select a location to install the CSM database to.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Provide a name and owner for the database, or select Browse to see a list of available databases. If unsure of the database name or owner, accept the default values.
  9. Select Next.
  10. Specify the Database Login account credentials.
  11. Select Next.
  12. Select the connection pooling and security or failover options.
  13. Select Next.
  14. Accept the default connection name (Cherwell) and provide an optional description.
    Note: If the default connection name (Cherwell) is not accepted, the CSM Server (service) connections have to be manually configured.
  15. Select Next.
  16. Select Test Connection to verify the connection to the database. If the test fails, check settings or choose to finish the installation.
  17. Select Finish.

    CSM creates the Server connection, and then imports the database. If this is an upgrade, CSM imports any new, required internal system definitions.

    If there is a message that the database needs to be upgraded to work with the latest version of CSM, select Yes, and then perform the upgrade.

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