CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Problem Automation Processes

CSM provides the following OOTB Problem Automation Processes:

Name Description
Notify Problem Owner of Assignment When the Owned By Field of a Problem changes, the process initiates the Notify Owned By via E-mail One-Step Action, which sends a notification e-mail to the new owner.
Notify Problem Team of Assignment When the Owned By Team Field of a Problem changes, the process initiates the Notify Owned By Team via E-mail One-Step Action, which sends a notification e-mail to members of the Team that owns the changed Problem.
Inactivity Escalation Waits two days after the Last Modified Date Time Field changes, then initiates the Escalate if Inactive One-Step Action, which sends a notification e-mail to the manager of the Problem owner.
Problem - Resolve Incident Waits for the status of a Problem to be set to Closed, then initiates the Resolve Incidents One-Step Action, which sets the status of the Incidents to Resolved and sends a notification e-mail to the Incident Customer(s).

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