CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Approval Form

Approvals require approvers to decide how to respond to a request.

In the CSM Desktop Client or Browser Client, approvals are responded to using an approval form in the form arrangement of a record.

The supplied approval form looks similar to the following. It can be opened several ways in the CSM Desktop Client or Browser Client:
  • From an approval email, select the link to the approval form.
  • In the Approvals tab of a Major Business Object's form arrangement, open the approvals form:
    • Double-click an existing Approval in the grid.
    • On the Form Arrangement toolbar, select View > Form View.
    • On the Form Arrangement toolbar, select New Approval to open a new approval form.
  1. Approver: Name of the required approval user(s) or customer(s).
  2. Approval Team: Name of the required approval team(s) or workgroup(s).
  3. Due Date: Date/time by which the approval must be submitted. If approvers do not respond by the deadline, they are considered to have abstained.
  4. Details: Additional information about the approval (example: Approve Emergency Change Request to begin implementing).
  5. Approver Notes: Additional information/explanation regarding the approval.
  6. Response:
    • Approve: Approve the request.
    • Deny: Deny the request.
    • Abstain: Refrain from approving/denying the request.

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