CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Define an Approval Relationship

Use the Relationship Wizard to define a relationship between a Major Business Object and the Approval Object (Supporting Object).

A relationship is required to add an approval to a Business Object. An Approval Relationship allows the Major Business Object and Approval Object to share data (typically, an approval is displayed as a tab in the form arrangement of a Major Business Object). For more information, see Form Arrangements.

To define an Approval Relationship:

  1. Open the Relationship Editor.
  2. Select Wizard.
  3. Select Approval as the Child Business Object.
  4. Select the Many Approvals option to allow the Major Business Object to have multiple approvals.
  5. Select whether approvals should have a relationship back to the parent object:
    • Select Yes (Recommended) to create a reverse relationship from approvals to the parent object.
    • Select No to not create a reverse relationship from approvals to the parent object.
  6. Select the Many [Major Business Objects] option to allow approvals to belong to multiple Major Business Objects.
  7. Select Full-Text Search options for the relationship:
    1. Select whether to search approvals when the Major Business Object and its related items are searched:
      • Select Yes to search approvals when the Major Business Object and its related items are searched.
      • Select No to not search approvals when the Major Business Object and its related items are searched.
    2. Select whether to search the Major Business Object when approvals and its related items are searched.
      • Select Yes to search the Major Business Object when approvals and its related items are searched.
      • Select No to not search the Major Business Object when approvals and its related items are searched.
  8. Provide a name and description for the relationship and the reverse relationship.
  9. Review the Summary page.
  10. Select Finish.

    The relationship is added to the Business Object and can be accessed in the Relationship Editor.

  11. Publish the Blueprint (File > Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File > Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes. For more information, see Publish a Blueprint or Save a Blueprint.

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