CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Group Business Objects

Use Group Business Objects to create a set of common items that can be used by other Business Objects. Each Group Object has a Group Leader Object and a set of Group Member Objects that inherit certain properties from the Group Leader.

Group Members can inherit:
  • Fields
  • Relationships
  • Actions
  • Default Grid

In most cases, inheritance from the Group Leader Object only occurs when Group Members are created. After that, you can customize Group Members to create Fields, Relationships, and Actions that are unique to that Business Object. You can also customize the Grid for the Group Member.

For example, Configuration Items all have Fields in common, such as Manufacturer and Serial Number. However, a Config-Mobile Device Object might have a SIM Card field, while a Config-Printer Object might have a Printer Drive Space field.

Group Objects can also be used to organize similar types of Business Objects. For example, Users can search for a specific Group Member (example: Computer) or for any member of the group (example: Configuration Item), in which case the results will include matching records from any Group Member (example: Computer, Printer, etc.).

Any type of object (Major, Supporting, or Lookup) can be a Group Leader or Group Member. You define Group properties when you create a Business Object.

You can also convert an existing Major or Supporting object into a Group Object.

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