CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Dashboard Design Tips

Following are some tips to help you design an effective Dashboard:

  • Make it useful: Consider the audience and what they need most. Executives might want at-a-glance statistics and trending, a manager might want quick access to reports, and a Technician might want a list of relevant records.
  • Make it pretty: Do not underestimate the visual experience. Employ visual elements, such as images, colors, styles, alignment, and layering to convey information and embellish the aesthetic. Use consistent, browser-friendly fonts and colors (or Themes) to ensure stability and cohesion.
  • Make it conditional: Use Expression-driven colors, text, images, and visibility to dynamically change the way a Widget looks and behaves based on a defined condition. For example, display an SLA Widget on a Dashboard. When an SLA is in jeopardy of being breached, change the label to indicate a surpassed threshold (expression-driven text), change the background color to red (expression-driven color), display a warning icon (expression-driven image), and then display a warning message (expression-driven visibility).

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