CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Add a Format to a Field

In CSM, Formats are used to control how characters and digits are displayed in a Field (example: How a phone number is displayed). When adding a Format to a Field, there are two types of Formats available:

  • Stored Format: Stored Format is a named, stored Formats that can be reused on any Field in CSM. Stored Formats are managed using the Format Manager.
  • Custom Format: A Custom Format is an un-named Format that is defined for use in a specific Field.

To add a Format to a Field:

  1. Open the Properties window for the Field to which you want to add a Format:
    1. In CSM Administrator, create a Blueprint.
    2. In the Object Manager, double-click the Business Object that contains the Field.
    3. Double-click the Field.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Check the Format check box.
  4. Select the Format to apply:
    • Click the Ellipses button to open the Stored Format Manager, where Users can choose an existing Format (Stored Format) or create a Stored Format. Stored Formats can be used over and over in numerous places.
    • Click the Custom Format button Custom Format Button to open the Custom Format window, where Users can create a Custom Format to use only for this scenario. A Custom Format has many of the same properties as a Stored Format, only it does not have a name or description, and is not managed through the Stored Format Manager.
  5. Select OK.

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