CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Using Tableau and the Web Data Connector

You can connect the Tableau third-party reporting tool to the Cherwell REST API and retrieve data from CSM using the Tableau Data Connector from Cherwell.

You must have Tableau installed. For complete details on installation, see the Tableau website (https://www.tableau.com/support/help/).

Using Tableau and the Web Data Connector

  1. Open Tableau.
  2. On the main toolbar, select To a Server > More > Web Data Connector.
  3. Specify the path to the Cherwell Tableau Web Data Connector, which is available on your Cherwell REST API server (https://[servername]/CherwellAPI/DataConnector/Tableau).
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  5. Enter your CSM username and password.
  6. Enter the Client ID (API key: this is the Client Key. For more information, see Configuring the Cherwell REST API) and the target search URL.

  7. Select Authenticate.

Using Grids with Tableau

When using the Tableau third-party reporting tool with the Cherwell REST API you can use a Grid to display details returned by a Saved Search. You can modify the Grid to specify the sort order and column selection.

For the Tableau Data Connector from Cherwell, it is only possible to modify and use the default Grid for the relevant Business Object. For more information, see Grid Options for Third-Party Reporting Tools.

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