CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Assign a Color Palette to a Chart Widget

Apply custom color palettes or change the default color palette of Chart Widgets.

Assigning a Color Palette to a Chart Widget in the Widget Manager

Publish a Blueprint to assign a color palette to Chart Widgets:
  1. In the CSM Administrator, select Create a new Blueprint.
  2. Select Managers > Dashboards > Widget Manager. The Widget Manager opens.
  3. Select Display from the Options pane in the Widget Manager.
  4. Select a color palette from the color palette drop-down (example: Bright or Custom).
  5. Select OK.
  6. Repeat Steps 2-5 for any additional Widgets.
  7. Publish the Blueprint.

Assigning a Color Palette to a Chart Widget in the Theme Manager

Publish a Blueprint to assign a color palette to Chart Widgets:
  1. In the CSM Administrator, select Create a new Blueprint.
  2. Select Managers > Themes. The Theme Manager opens.
  3. Right-click on a Theme.
  4. Select Edit. The Theme Editor opens.
  5. Select Dashboards from the Property Areas drop-down.
  6. Select the Dashboard widget chart palette field from the Charts section.
  7. Choose a color palette from the drop-down (example: Berry or a custom color palette).
  8. Select Save. The Theme Editor closes.
  9. Close the Theme Manager.
  10. Publish the Blueprint.

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