CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Theme Editor Behaviors

  • Filter Properties

    • To view all properties (Dashboard, Form, and Portal), select All from the Property Area drop-down.
    • To view properties for a specific area (Dashboard, Form, or Portal), select the area from the Property Area drop-down.
    • Expand an area to view all groups within an area by clicking the arrow.
  • Sort Properties

    Sort properties from A-Z by clicking the Sort button.

  • Search for a Property

    Property Search Control: Use to search for a property by name (example: Form background color).

  • Color Selector

    • Click the Color Selector button Color Picker Button to open the Color Selector, and then select a color:
      • Web:

        Set of named Web-safe colors.

      • Custom:

        Customized Red, Green, Blue (RGB) colors.

  • Text Selector

    Click the arrow next to the Font group to expand the font options.

  • Image Selector

    Click the button for any image property to navigate and select an image.

  • Reset Property

    Right-click on a property name in the to show the Reset option. Click Reset to remove any User-specified value for that property from the Theme and revert to the global default value for that Theme property.

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