CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Using Themes

Users can work with Themes in various ways using the Theme Manager, CSM Browser Client, CSM Desktop Client, or CSM Administrator.

When working with Themes, users can:

To View a Theme:

  • Use the Theme Manager to view the Available Themes (based on security rights).
  • On the CSM Browser Client Dashboard toolbar, select the Themes button 01_Theme_Icon.
  • On a CSM Desktop Client Dashboard, right-click and select User Themes > More.

    Note: The context menu is not available if the Dashboard property Allow User's chosen theme to override Dashboard theme check box is cleared.
    • The default Dashboard Theme is listed at the top.
    • The currently selected Theme is selected.
    • MRU Themes are listed in alphabetical order.
    • Select More to open the Theme Manager and select an existing Theme or import/export a Theme to/from another system.

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