CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Browser Widget Properties

The Browser Widget Properties window allows you to define the display (HTML page or website) and specific properties of a Browser Widget.

Properties Description
HTML page Select this option to display a specific HTML page. Browse to select an existing HTML page or create a new HTML page. See HTML Page Editor.

2-tier connection: When using a 2-tier connection, a CSM login window opens. Type your User name and Password to open the HTML Page Editor.

Web Site

Select this option to display a website, utilize tokens, and/or send a POST request to a URL.

Note: You can store and use data from a POST response. To do this, the User's Security Group must have permissions to Edit Stored Values.
  • URL

Type the URL of the website.

Tokens: The URL can include data tokens that allow the server to deliver more sophisticated and customized information. Right-click the field or select the drop-down arrow next to the field to specify a token on the URL. The token can reference Stored Values, System Functions, and Custom Expressions.

Note: When using the CTRL + Click keyboard shortcut on the URL, it follows the link, but any associated tokens will be dropped.
  • Execute POST before widget load

This check box must be selected to send a pre-load POST to a website.

When selected the pre-load POST is configured to execute, the POST URL field is enabled and required, and POST Body field is enabled but not required.

When disabled, the POST URL and POST Body fields are disabled and the pre-load POST does not execute.


Type a POST URL that can execute a POST request upon loading or refreshing. This field is enabled and required when the Execute POST before widget load check box is selected.

Tokens: The Post URL can include data tokens that allow the server to deliver more sophisticated and customized information. Right-click the field or select the drop-down arrow next to the field to specify a token on the URL. The token can reference Stored Values, System Functions, and Custom Expressions.

If the POST fails, it will fail silently and an error will be logged.

  • POST Body

Type a POST Body that will send to the POST URL upon loading or refreshing. This field is enabled when the Execute POST before widget load check box is selected.

Tokens: The Post Body can include data tokens that allow the server to deliver more sophisticated and customized information. Right-click the field or select the drop-down arrow next to the field to specify a token on the URL. The token can reference Stored Values, System Functions, and Custom Expressions.

If the POST fails, it will fail silently and an error will be logged.

  • Store Result
Select this option to store and use the data from a POST response in a Stored Value. Browse to select an existing Stored Value or create a new Stored Value. Incoming data must be valid JSON or XML. See Managing Stored Values.

Select this check box to refresh the content according to a defined time period, and then provide the refresh timeframe (every x hours or minutes). Use refresh on Widgets where the data is likely to change.

Refresh executes only when a Widget is active and being displayed. If you leave a dashboard and come back to it, the data will be automatically refreshed and the refresh timer will start over.

See Browser Widgets and Create a Browser Widget for additional information.

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