CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Creating a Custom Filter for the Language Pack Editor

You can create a custom filter to help limit the strings list in the Grid to a manageable set. You can use the Filter Editor to add a condition expression, or you can use the filter icon above each visible column to modify the existing filter.

Use the Filter Editor

To create a custom filter using the Filter Editor:

  1. Open the Language Pack Editor.
  2. Click Edit Filter in the bottom right corner of the Editor.
    The Filter Editor opens with the filter set from the Filter option () on the toolbar.
  3. Click And to add, change, or remove operators, conditions and groups.
  4. Click the Plus sign to add a condition and value.

    Language Pack Filter Editor

  5. Add as many conditions as needed to filter the strings to the list you need.
  6. Click Apply.

Use the Filter Icons

To customize a filter using Filter icons:

  1. Hover over a column header in the Language Pack Editor, and then click the Filter icon.
  2. Choose an appropriate filter based on the type of data in the column. For example, for the Source column, select the Text Filters tab, then set the filter to show source values that end with "ing."
Changes are cumulative; each change you make using filter icons is added to the Edit Filter dialog.

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