CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Define Backup Database Action Options

Use the Scheduler's Backup Database Action to export a selected CSM database to a compressed Cherwell Archive Repository (.czar) file on a scheduled basis.

To define a Backup Database Action:

  1. In the CSM Administrator main window, select the Scheduling category, and then select the Edit Schedule task.
  2. Add or edit a Scheduled Item that uses a Database Action, and then select the Action page.
  3. Provide the following settings as they apply:
    Option Description


    Provide the directory name or click the Browse button to select a directory for where database backup files will be stored.

    Note: The directory must be available on the machine where the Scheduler runs. A UNC name is recommended.

    File Name

    Provide a file name for the database backup.

    Rollover Files

    Define the frequency of database backup files.

    Note: If you do not roll over backup files, a new file will be created for every database backup. The date will be appended to the File Name you entered (example: Cherwell20090305_093501.czar).

    Nightly: Uses the same file every time the backup is run.

    Weekly: Appends the day of the week to the backup files (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat). This means there will be a maximum of seven files. For example, if you run a database backup every day of the week, you will have seven files (one for each day of the week). If you run a backup every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you will have three files. These same files are used every week.

    Monthly: Appends the day of the month appended to the backup files (example: 01-31). This means there will be a maximum of 31 files. The same files are used every month.

    Yearly: Appends the month and day to the backup files (example: Jun28). This means there will be a maximum of 365 files used (366 for leap years). The same files are used every year.

    Export Type

    Export a single Business Object: Select this check box to export a selected Business Object to the database backup file when the database backup is run.

    Export entire system: Select this check box to export your entire database to the backup file when the database backup is run.


    The options available in this section depend on the selected export type.

    Export a Single Business Object: Select the Business Object drop-down

    Export Entire System:

    • Export all data: Exports all SQL Server tables (example: Field names and sizes) and data.
      Tip: Use this option to create a .czar file to troubleshoot problems that are not related to Automation Processes or Scheduled Items.
    • Export table structure only: Exports all SQL Server tables without any data.
      Tip: Use this option to create a .czar file that excludes your confidential company data.
    • Export structure and lookup table data: Exports SQL Server tables for all Major and Supporting Objects, as well as tables AND data for Lookup Objects (validation tables).
      Tip: Use this to create a .czar that excludes your confidential data but includes values from Lookup tables (because typically, Lookup tables do not contain confidential data and can be used to troubleshoot problems with validation and relationships).
    • Exclude attachments: Exports the Attachment table but not the Attachment data within the table.
      Tip: Use this option to create a .czar file to troubleshoot problems that are not related to Automation Processes or Scheduled Items.
    • Exclude automation data: Exports the Events and Scheduler tables, but not the data within the tables.
      Tip: Use this option to create a .czar file to troubleshoot problems that are not related to Automation Processes or Scheduled Items.
    • Exclude encrypted fields and protected stored values: Excludes encrypted fields and protected stored values from the export.

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