CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Automation Process Service Security Rights

Automation Process Service rights are selected from the Category drop-down on the Rights tab in CSM Administrator (Security > Edit Security Groups).

Right Description (when checked Check Box) Grant To:
Enable/disable individual processes? Allow: Allows selected users to enable or disable individual Automation Processes in CSM Administrator (Automation Process Status window and Edit Automation Process window).
  • System administrators
Allow viewing of running/completed processes? Allow: Allows selected users to view running and/or completed Automation Processes in CSM Administrator (Automation Process Status window and Edit Automation Process window).
  • System administrators
  • Managers
  • Users
Check status of Automation Processes? Allow: Allows selected users to check the status of Automation Processes (Automation Process Status window and Edit Automation Process window).
  • System administrators
  • Managers
  • Users
Clear Automation Processes? Allow: Allows selected users to clear all scheduled Automation Processes or a history of all completed Automation Processes (Automation Process Status window>File>Clear all processes).
  • System administrators
Retrieve/update events from the Event Queue?

Allow: Allows API users to read/update Automation Processes in the Automation Process event queue.

The account used by the Automation Process Service must have this right.

  • System administrators
Pause/resume service? Allow: Allows selected users to pause and resume the Automation Process microservice using the Pause/Resume Automation Process Service window from within CSM Administrator.
  • System administrators

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