CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


E-mail and Event Monitor Security Rights

E-mail and Event Monitor rights are selected from the Category drop-down on the Rights tab in CSM Administrator (Security > Edit Security Groups).

Right Description (when checked Check Box) Grant To:
Allow to import emailmonitor.ini?

Allow: Allows selected users to import an emailmonitor.ini file using the E-mail and Event Monitoring Manager.

This feature has been deprecated.

  • System administrators
E-mail and Event Monitor item management?

Allows people working with e-mail monitors in the E-mail and Event Monitoring Manager in CSM Administrator to:

  • View: Access Monitors.
  • Add: Create Monitors.
  • Edit: Edit Monitors.
  • Delete: Delete Monitors.

View/Run Only:

  • Managers

All rights:

  • System administrators
  • Advanced users (Level 2 and 3 technicians)
Pause/resume the E-mail and Event monitor? Allow: Allows selected users to pause or resume the E-mail and Event Monitoring microservice using the pause/resume task in CSM Administrator (E-mail and Event Monitoring>Pause/Resume Monitoring).
  • System administrators

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