CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Server Farm Command-Line Options

Use the Command-Line Configure (CLC) /serverfarm major command to access all sub-commands to manage Cherwell Server Farms using the Command-Line Configure (CLC) utility.

Note: In the following examples, square brackets (example: [Common]) denote placeholder variables for customer data. Replace these variables, including the brackets, with your own values.



                                /serverfarm -serverfarmenable=true -serverfarmredislist= -serverfarmredispassword="12345"
Sub-command Description
/[serverfarmenable] Enable or disable Server Farms.

Accepted values: {true | false}

/[serverfarmredislist] Specifies a comma-delimited list of Redis servers to add for Server Farms (Example: server1:6379,server2:6379).

This option overwrites the existing list.

Accepted values: string

/[serverfarmredispassword] Specifies the Redis password.

Accepted values: string

/[serverfarmredistimeout] Specifies the Redis connection time-out period, in seconds.

Accepted values: integer

/[serverfarmredissynctimeout] Specifies the Redis sync time-out for server farms. The value is in seconds.

Accepted values: integer

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