CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure Service Monitor Behavior by Editing the Config File (Advanced Users Only)

Default behaviors are established during install, but advanced Users can edit the Service Monitor configuration file (CherwellMonitorConfiguration.xml) to change the options.

To edit the Service Monitor configuration file:

  1. Locate the file at:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Cherwell Service Management\CherwellMonitor\App_Data\CherwellMonitorConfiguration.xml.

  2. Open the file with a text editor.

    From here, the access commands and settings can be edited and tailored to fit the needs of administrators or advanced Users. For a table of command definitions and values, see Install the Service Monitor from the Command Line (Advanced Users Only).

  3. Make any desired changes to the configuration file and Save (using File>Save or CTRL+S).

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