CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Monitor Queues from the RabbitMQ Management Interface

RabbitMQ, which is the message-oriented middleware used by Cherwell Message Queue Service (CherwellMQS), offers a management interface for on-premises installations that displays data related to queues and connections.

Use the data that RabbitMQ provides to make informed decisions about scaling CSM microservices. Helpful data includes a list of machines with CSM installed connecting to RabbitMQ, the number of workers, the number of pending messages, and the number of queued messages.

Note: Access to the RabbitMQ Management Interface is only available for on-premises installations of CSM.

Opening the RabbitMQ Management Interface

Use a standard web browser to access the RabbitMQ management interface.

The default location of the management interface is http://localhost:15672. The default login ID and password are admin/admin. To change these default settings, refer to the RabbitMQ documentation.
Note: The CherwellMQS settings must match RabbitMQ. If you update the username or password for RabbitMQ, as is advised, you must update the CherwellMQS settings to match. See Configure CherwellMQS/RabbitMQ.

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