CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Start/Stop/Restart a Service or Web Application from the Service Monitor

Use the Service Monitor to stop, start, or restart the following CSM services:

  • Application Server
  • Cherwell Service Host

When you stop, start, or restart the Cherwell Service Host, the action impacts the host's microservices: Automation Processes, E-mail and Event Monitor, Mail Delivery, and Scheduling.

Use the Service Monitor to stop, start, or restart the following CSM Web Applications:

  • Browser Client
  • Customer Portal
  • Web-Forms
  • Cherwell Web Service

To start/stop/restart a CSM service or restart a Web Application:

  1. Open the Service Monitor.
  2. Locate a CSM service or Web Application.
  3. Click an operation:
    • Start: Start a service or Web Application.
    • Stop: Stop a service or Web Application.
    • Restart: Restart a service or Web Application.
    • Refresh: Refresh the services and update the web page (under Actions).
      Note: If a service is already running, the start option is disabled.

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