CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Configure Global Rich Text Settings

Use the Rich Text page in the CSM Administrator System Settings window to:

  • Determine how images (example: Embedded screenshots) are stored and shown in Rich Text Fields, including file type (JPEG or PNG), display mode (thumbnail or full), and size limits (in KB or MB).
  • Set default font for Rich Text.

To configure Global Rich Text settings:

Image Format Select either JPEG or PNG. Images not in a default format are converted to the default image format (either JPEG or PNG).
Default Display Mode
Form Images Are Displayed As

Determines how embedded images are shown in the Rich Text Field:

  • No Image Support: No image is shown.
  • Small Thumbnails: A small thumbnail of the image is shown.
  • Medium Thumbnails (default): A medium thumbnail of the image is shown.
  • Large Thumbnails: A large thumbnail of the image is shown.
  • Full Images: A full-sized version of the image is shown.
Zoomed Images Are Displayed As Select an option (No Image Support, Small/Medium/Large Thumbnails, Full Images (default)) to determine how embedded images in Rich Text Fields are shown in the Rich Text Zoom window.
Size limits
  • Maximum size per image (default is 500 kilobytes)
    Note: If the image size exceeds the maximum size, the image will automatically be re-sized to fit within the maximum size limits.
  • Maximum total size for images (default is 3 megabytes)
    Note: If the total image size exceeds the maximum size, the images will automatically be re-sized to fit within the maximum size limits.
Custom Default Font

Uses a default font for all Rich Text Fields.

Click the Ellipses button to open the Font window. Select a Font, Font style, and Size.

The Rich Text Editor uses a default font based on the following settings, shown in priority order:
  • Field Properties for a specific Field in a Business Object (example: Resolution fields in Problems).
  • Default font selected in the Global Rich Text settings.
  • Default Theme Form control font.
  • CSM
  • CSM global system font (not configurable)

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