CSM 10.4 Documentation


About Cherwell HR Case Management


Some key features of Cherwell HR Case Management include:

  • Integrated Portal design that allows end users to see the status of their requests across all departments (separate mApp Solution).
  • Custom Dashboards for HR teams based on Role.
  • HR Checklists for detailed tracking of work for different types of complex HR Requests.
  • Delivery of important HR documents (e.g., How-To Instructions and links to other core HR applications) to employees via the Portal.
  • A clean and uncluttered theme throughout.
  • HR-specific SLAs to track and proactively notify for Response and Resolution targets.
  • Localized in English and Spanish (Dashboards, Portal pages, HR Case, etc.)
  • Catalog structure that allows specific country-based subcategories and associated default assignment groups, checklists, specifics forms, etc.

Employee Administration

Key features of Cherwell's HR Employee Administration functions include:

  • Position: A new Business Object to interface between external HR systems and internal Cherwell activities. As a position moves through the Approved and Filled phases, activities for IT and HR teams are initiated. IT Service Requests and HR Cases are created based on the HR Position record status and detailed information about the jobs and candidates.
  • ESM Application: New major object that stores applications and associated information.
  • HR Position Role Service Catalog Template: A new supporting business object that ties together Roles and Service Catalog Templates to create Service Requests with the correct pre-determined Work Units (Tasks).
  • Role-based fulfillment activities: A new Lookup table stores Roles that are used to determine workflow. The existing functionality of Service Catalog Templates is used with Role to create appropriate Service Requests for:
    • Equipment Review/Request
    • Access Request (example: Active Directory (AD), e-mail, application specific, etc.)
  • Reuseable Work Units: This feature is part of the Service Catalog Template functionality. Work Units can be created and used across multiple templates.
  • Just-in-time initiation of fulfillment activities: Because Service Requests are initiated at multiple points in the overall Position/Hire process, areas that may require extra time to fulfill are scheduled accordingly. Equipment requests do not need specific new hire information, so those can be initiated and worked even before a candidate has been selected. Activities requiring specific people information are initiated once those details are available.
    • Job/Position approved - Equipment review or procure request created
    • Candidate hired - Access request created
  • Track accesses and equipment for each Customer: Customer records can be updated with access information as well as linked to equipment items. This information is used during the Employee Transfer and Termination processes to automate task creation.

This view provides a 'by persona' perspective of the interactions with the processes (IT, HR, Facilities).

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