CSM 10.4 Documentation


CMDB Interface Behaviors

Menu Bars and Toolbars

Use the CSM Desktop Client menu bar/toolbar and Browser Client menu bar/toolbar to access table management operations, such as:

  • Navigating records.
  • Switching between grid view and current record view.
  • Adding, editing, and deleting CI records.

Context Menu (Desktop Client only)

Use the CMDB interface context (right-click) menu to quickly access common CMDB operations.

Menu Item Description
Go to record Displays the selected CI record. This option isn't available if you select multiple records.
Go to record in new window Displays the selected CI record in a new window. This option isn't available if you select multiple records.
New Creates a new CI record.
Actions If Context Menu Actions are defined, an Actions menu item is also displayed to run Actions.
Delete Deletes the selected CI record.
Print grid Prints the active grid.
Export grid Exports the active grid to a file.

Record Views

There are two views available for the CMDB interface:

  • Grid list: Select Show ResultsShow Results ButtonBrowser Client Show Results Grid on the toolbar to display a grid list of CI records.
  • Current record: Select Show Current RecordShow Current Record ButtonBrowser Client Show Current Record on the toolbar to display the selected CI record.

Grid Capabilities

When CI records are displayed in grid view, use the CSM grid capabilities (example: Print, export, run an Action, sort, filter, group, size, move/reorder, and add/remove columns) to display only the data you want and in a way that is meaningful to you.

Find Records

Use the filter and search options to find CI records. Display all CI records, or filter by CI Type (example: Computer, printer), customer (example: All or named customer), and/or time frame (example: Anytime, today, previous month).

To search, type a value to search in the Search box (example: Asset tab, host name), and then select Go.

CMDB Search

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