CSM 10.4 Documentation


Service Catalog Template Examples

Common examples of Service Catalog Templates (SCTs) include acquire a generic laptop, acquire an executive laptop, and new employee setup.

You can reuse repetitive steps as Work Units (Tasks) to automate many processes. Examples of a few of those processes are listed below. These steps are general guidelines, so you can customize the steps to meet your organizational needs.

Acquire Generic Laptop

To acquire a generic laptop:

  1. Order laptop.
  2. Receive laptop.
  3. Unbox laptop and put on asset tag.
  4. Load standard software.
  5. Add laptop to current inventory.

Acquire Executive Laptop

To acquire an executive laptop:

  1. Order laptop.
  2. Receive laptop.
  3. Unbox laptop and put on asset tag.
  4. Load executive software.
  5. Add laptop to current inventory.

New Employee Setup

To set up a new employee:

  1. Acquire laptop.
  2. Unbox laptop and put on asset tag.
  3. Prepare laptop.
  4. Create AD account.
  5. Provide email account.
  6. Deliver equipment.
  7. Set up desk.

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