CSM 10.4 Documentation


Download Files Attached to a Record

In the CSM Browser Client and CSM Portal, you can download all files attached to a Business Object record. Use the Attach button in the record toolbar to download all files. You can also download each file separately.

To download all files attached to a record:

  1. In the Browser Client or Portal, open a record with an attachment.
  2. Select Attach > Download files in the record toolbar. The attachments must be saved to the record to be eligible for download.
  3. A zip file automatically downloads to your hard drive containing all files attached to the record.
Note: To view the files individually, extract them from the zip file.

To download an individual file attached to a record:

  1. In the Browser Client or Portal, open a record with an attachment.
  2. Select Attach > [specific file] > Open in the record toolbar. The attachment must be saved to the record to be eligible for download.
  3. The file automatically downloads to your hard drive.

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