CSM 10.4 Documentation


Date/Time Modifier Formats

Date/time modifier formats take the date/time values and converts them to text in a number of different ways. The table below shows all of the supported formats, along with an example. The example date/time is 12/4/2016 6:14 PM. Using an @ symbol in the format (example: 12/4/2016 @ 6:14 PM) causes incorrect modifier outcomes.

After applying a date/time format, the resulting value is considered to be text. Users can then apply any text operators to the value. For example, if you want to use the result as a number (example: Day), then you need to use the Text to Number modifier.

Note: The formats may change depending on system settings. For example, the Short Date format is based on the regional settings of the current user’s machine.

Table:  Date/Time Modifier Formats

Format Example
Short Date 12/4/2021
Short Time 6:14 PM
Long Date Thursday, December 04, 2021
Short Date & Time 12/4/2021 6:14 PM
Long Date & Time Thursday, December 04, 2021 6:14 PM
Sortable Date & Time 2021-12-04T18:14:13
Day 4
Day (with leading 0) 04
Day of Week (short) Thu
Day of Week (long) Thursday
Month (number) 12
Month (name) December
Year (short) 21
Year (long) 2021
Hour (12-hour) 6
Hour (12-hour with leading 0) 06
Hour (24-hour) 18
Minute 14
Minute (with leading 0) 014
Z Client time zone

Note: For use with the CreatedDateTime token. MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt Z

Custom Custom requires knowledge of the legal .NET date/time formats. An example, however would be something like: yy-M-d ddd which would return 21-12-4 Thu. See this resource for more information on custom formatting.

Note: There is a Cherwell-specific custom modifier for a client's local time zone. Use a capital Z (capitalization is important) with any date/time field

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