CSM 10.4 Documentation


Managing Locked Strings

You can prevent strings from being translated by locking them. You can then exclude the locked strings when you apply a Language Pack.

For example, you may want to lock your company or product name so that it is not inadvertently translated and applied to your CSM system.

Good to Know

  • Certain strings are automatically locked by the system or should not be translated in any system. See the list in Globalization Good to Know.
  • For best practices, see Best Practices For Locking Strings from Translation.
  • You can create a locked strings list from a Blueprint or mApp Solution. Locked strings lists can only be applied to a Language Pack once a Blueprint has been published or a mApp Solution applied.
  • You can lock text strings or use regular expressions to lock strings.
  • String lists are case sensitive.

Process for Locking Strings

  1. Create a Blueprint or a mApp Solution.
  2. Select Managers > Locked Strings to open the Locked Strings Manager.
  3. Select Create to open the Locked Strings List Editor.
  4. Provide a name and description for the locked strings list.
  5. Select Add, and then select one of these string types:
    • String: Locks exact strings you specify.
    • RegEx: Locks strings based on the regular expression. For example, Service Catalog|Service Catalogs locks "Service Catalog" and "Service Catalogs".
  6. Select OK.
  7. Add all strings that you want locked.
  8. Select Save.
  9. Publish the Blueprint or apply the mApp Solution.
  10. Apply a Language Pack.
  11. Select a locked strings list to prevent matching target strings in the Language Pack from being translated.

Merging Locked Strings Lists

  1. Create a Blueprint or a mApp Solution.
  2. Select Managers > Locked Strings to open the Locked Strings Manager.
  3. Select the locked strings you want to merge.
  4. Right click, and then select Merge.

The lists are merged into a single list.

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