CSM 10.4 Documentation


Opening the REST API Discovery Tool

Become familiar with the REST API Discovery Tool (Swagger) before you begin coding so that you can build a program that interacts effectively with CSM.

The Cherwell REST API Discovery Tool (Swagger) can be found by appending the following parameters to the CSM site name URL:


Logging in to the Discovery Tool

To log in to the Discovery Tool, you need:

  • An API client ID. See Obtaining API Client IDs.
  • A CSM login ID and password.
  • An API Client Secret ID (reserved for Cherwell Software use only).

To log in to the Discovery Tool:

  1. Go to the URL for YourCSMSiteName/CherwellApi/swagger/ui/index in a browser.
  2. Paste the Client ID into the client_id box.
  3. Select the Authentication button for a specific operation, and then provide your CSM credentials.

    Tip: An error of "Is not registered" means that the 36 character Client ID is invalid. See Obtaining API Client IDs for instructions on generating a new one.

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