CSM 10.4 Documentation


Global Record Locking Setting Options

Define the options for record locking settings, such as default lock type and when a lock expires. Global search settings are configured in CSM Administrator > System Settings > Search.

Setting Description
Unlock records when User session ends (Recommended) Automatically unlocks all of a user's records when the user logs out of a session. If cleared, the record remains locked until the record is saved (if configured), until the lock expires (if configured), or until the record is manually unlocked.
Update lock status and notify of any changes, when possible Automatically shows status and change notifications (example: Reload and merge) to the lock holder and any other user who might be viewing a locked record. If not selected, users are notified only if they attempt to edit a record.
Note: Automatic notifications are not available in the CSM Browser Client.
Default lock type
  • None: Does not enforce or inform record locking even though it is enabled for the system.
    Tip: Use this option to enable record locking for the system but not use it for most Business Objects, then enable/configure record locking settings on a per Business Object basis.
  • Enforced: Prevents users from editing a record when it is locked by another user (the lock holder).
  • Informational: Warns users when a record is currently locked by another user, so users do not attempt to edit the same record. If two users do edit the same record, CSM gives them the option to merge the edits.
Lock record upon editing Automatically locks the record when a user attempts to edit the record. If cleared, users must manually lock records.
Unlock record upon saving Automatically unlocks the record when a user saves the record. If cleared, the record remains locked until the user ends their session (if configured), until the lock expires (if configured), or until the record is manually unlocked.
Lock expires after Enables lock expiration and specifying the time limit in minutes (example: 30). If cleared, the record remains locked until the user ends their session (if configured), until the record is saved (if configured), or until the record is manually unlocked.
Note: In some environments, when you change the time limit for the lock setting expiration, it may take up to 30 minutes for the change to take effect.
Minutes before lock expiration to notify Users Notifies users of impending expiration and allow renewal before expiration. Users can specify the number of minutes before expiration to notify users (example: 3 minutes).
Maximum number of records a User can have locked at one time (per Business Object type) Specify the maximum number of records a user can have locked at one time, per Business Object (example: Each user can lock only ten Incidents at a time).
Portal participates in record locking (hidden from portal users where possible) Allows customers working in the CSM Portal to lock records and see locks on records.
Note: When a customer attempts to edit a record, the record is automatically locked; and, when the customer saves the record, the record is automatically unlocked. This prevents users from editing records at the same time as customers. However, the customer does not see messages about locks unless they attempt to edit a record that is locked by another user or customer.

If the CSM Portal does not participate in record locking (or record locks are informational), the customer is able to edit records even if a user has the record locked. The user is given the option to merge the customer’s edits.

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