CSM 10.5 Documentation


Security Event Supplemental Form

Use the Event - Security Supplemental form to add links and fields to the Security Overview form.

Use the links and fields to add One-Step™ Actions and fields that are pre-configured and formatted for the Security Event form.

  1. In CSM Administrator, edit the Event - Security form.
  2. Open the Event - Security Supplemental form.
  3. Copy any of the following links and paste them onto the Event - Security Overview form, under the Actions list.
    • Escalate to Security Incident
    • Create Preventative Action
    • Create Corrective Action
  4. Copy any of the following fields and labels (and controls) and paste them onto the Event - Security Overview form.
    • Config Item
    • CI Risk
    • Supporting Service Config Item
    • Supporting Service Risk
    • Runbook Name
  5. Publish the Blueprint.

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