CSM 10.5 Documentation


PPM Change Order

Use Change Orders for changes in Project duration, effort, or budget.

This functionality is only available after you apply the mApp Solution.

Change Orders have a simple workflow of Initial, Evaluation, Review, and Closed; although there are no controls for moving from phase to phase.

To create a PPM Change Order:

  1. In the Change Orders tab, select New PPM Change Order.
  2. Select a Sponsor and provide a Change Order Title.
  3. The Project Field is automatically populated based on the parent object.
  4. (Optional) Select a Required By date and the Estimated Additional Effort (in hours).
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description.
  6. (Optional) For each section (Scope, Budget, and Schedule), select the Yes or No check box and provide details for impacts for the Change Order.
  7. (Optional) Enter any necessary Comments.
  8. Provide an Action and any Comments and then select Save.

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