CSM 10.5 Documentation


Review a PPM Demand

Demand Managers can access and review Ideas in the Demand Management Dashboard.

This functionality is only available after you apply the mApp Solution.

To review a PPM Demand:

  1. Open the PPM Demand that is in the Idea status and select the Review Idea link under Actions.
  2. Enter the Requested Start Date and Requested Completion Date (both are required fields), as well as any missing information in the Proposed Initiative section.
  3. Enter applicable information in the Assessment section:
    1. Select a T-shirt Size and Area from the drop-down lists.
    2. Enter the Estimated Total Cost and Estimated Revenue.
      These are very high-level estimates of costs and revenue associated with the Demand.
    3. (Optional) Choose a Portfolio and Program from the drop-down lists (this may not be required, depending on the Portfolio and Program relationships you have set up).
    4. Choose a Type from the drop-down list.
      If you choose Strategic Objective from the Type drop-down list, you will need to choose the specific Strategic Objective.
  4. If necessary, select the Need More Information link under Actions to send an email to the requester. This action will revert the Demand back to the Idea phase.
  5. When the Assessment section is completed, the Accept Idea link under Actions becomes active. Accepting the Idea will move the Demand into the Evaluate phase.
  6. You may also choose to reject the Idea by selecting the Reject Idea link under Actions.
If you decide a PPM Demand can be addressed as a Service Request, you can select the Convert to Service Request link under Actions. A dialog box asking for confirmation to open a Service Request and close the Demand will appear. The Demand will be closed and you will be taken to the Incident to populate additional fields. This becomes a Service Request based on the category/subcategory selected. The information from the Demand is populated into the newly-created Service Request.

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