CSM 10.5 Documentation


Enable a Walk-Up Support Portal Site

Customize a Walk-Up Support Portal site your customers will use to interact with your Walk-Up Support locations.

This functionality is only available after applying the Walk-Up Support mApp Solution.

The Walk-Up Support mApp Solution includes two Walk-Up Support sites that you can customize, or you can create your own.

To enable a site for Walk-Up Support:

  1. Select the Enable Walk-Up Support check box on a Site record.
  2. Save the Site record.
  3. Select the Add New Walk-Up Support Location link under Actions.
    You can also create a new Walk-Up Support location by selecting New > New Walk-Up Support Location.
  4. Provide a Walk-Up Support Location name and site name.
  5. You can associate the Walk-Up Support Location with a Building, add a description, and assign it to a team and/or individual.
  6. In the Status Area, select Next: Active to activate the Walk-Up Support Location.
  7. Set up the device (a workstation or tablet) you will use for the Walk-Up location:
    1. Log into the IT portal.
    2. Switch the Site to Walk-Up Support or Walk-Up Support 1 via the Sites menu.

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