CSM 10.5 Documentation


Knowledge Article Saved Searches

CSM provides numerous Knowledge Article (KA) saved searches.

Notable KA saved searches include:

Saved Search Returns Association Executed From
All Knowledge Articles All KAs, regardless of status. Knowledge Article Updated Knowledge Articles widget, user-selectable Last Modified Date Time range
Articles with Dislike Votes KAs by their "Dislike" count, in descending order. KAs with the most dislikes will be at the top of the search results. Knowledge Article
Articles with Like Votes KAs by their "Like" count, in descending order. KAs with the most likes will be at the top of the search results. Knowledge Article
Articles with Usage Count KAs by their usage count, in descending order. KAs with the most usage will be at the top of the search results. Knowledge Article
My KB Approvals KAs awaiting my (current user) approval. Knowledge Article Awaiting My Approval widget
My Overdue KB Approvals Overdue KAs awaiting my (current user) approval. Knowledge Article Awaiting My Approval Overdue widget
My Working KB Articles KAs that are owned by me (current user), and are not yet published. Knowledge Article My Articles for Review widget
New Team Comments KAs with user comments (on the CSM KA form). Knowledge Article New Team Comments widget
Published Articles KAs with a status of Published. Knowledge Article Up For Review widget; user-selectable date range
Submitted Articles KAs that have been submitted to the Knowledge team for Review or Approval. Knowledge Article Submitted Knowledge Article widget

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