CSM 10.5 Documentation


Add a Matrix Selector Control to a Form

Use the Form Editor (accessed from within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator) to add a Matrix Selector control to a form.

When you add a Matrix Selector control to a form, you define:

  • Validation instructions:
    • Validation Table: Business Object that supplies all the possible values to the matrix (example: Priority Matrix Element). Typically, this is a Lookup Object.
    • Value Field: Lookup field (field in the Lookup Object) that supplies the values (example: Priority).
    • Order By: Field to use to order the values in the matrix, as well as an ascending or descending order.
    • Field to Populate: Field in the Business Object to populate with the final value from the matrix.
  • Column properties: Values and order to display in the column header.
  • Row properties: Values and order to display in the row.
  • Constraints: Expressions that limit when the field on the form is populated with the final value from the matrix.

To add a Matrix Selector control to a form:

  1. Open a form in the Form Editor.
  2. Drag-and-drop the Matrix Selector control from the Special Control tree onto the form.
  3. Right-click the control, and then select Control Properties.
  4. Define the validation:
    1. Validation table / Validation field: Select the Lookup table and field that supply all the possible values (example: For Incident, it might be the Status field in the Incident Status Lookup table, with status values like New, In Progress, Assigned, etc.).
    2. Order by field: Select the field to use to order the values, as well as an ascending or descending order. Rarely will the alphabetical order match the order in which the values should appear in your item, unless you prefix the values with numbers or letters (example: For status, you would likely want lifecycle order, not alphabetical order); therefore, it is common to define a field that contains a sequence number purely for controlling the order (example: Status Order).
    3. Field to populate: Select the field to populate with the final value from the matrix.
  5. Define column properties:
    1. Column header: Select the field from the Lookup Object that supplies the value for the column header in the matrix.
    2. Save column to: Select the field in the primary Business Object to populate with the column value selected from the matrix.
  6. Define row properties:
    1. Row header: Select the field from the Lookup Object that supplies the value for the row header in the matrix.
    2. Save row to: Select the field in the primary Business Object to populate with the row value selected from the matrix.
  7. Define constraints that limit when the field on the form is populated with the final value from the matrix:
    1. Select Add to add a constraint or filter.
    2. Select a field in the Business Object you are currently working with.
    3. Select an operator (example: Equals).
    4. Value: Select a value for the field. Applicable values include:
    5. Select OK.
    6. Add additional constraints as necessary.
  8. Select OK.
  9. After the control or controls are on the form, use the Form Editor to define how each control looks and behaves on the form (example: Size, image, alignment, anchoring, layering, visibility, and tab order).
  10. Publish the Blueprint to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint to continue making other changes.

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