Dashboard Refresh
You can refresh Dashboards and Widgets automatically or manually, refreshing Widgets individually or all at once. CSM refresh capabilities include:
- Scheduled Dashboard refresh.
- Scheduled Widget refresh.
- Manual refresh.
Scheduled Dashboard Refresh
A scheduled Dashboard refresh is an automatic refresh that occurs at a defined rate (ex: Every 5 minutes). The refresh rate is defined as part of the Dashboard Refresh properties, and can refresh:
- All Metrics: Reloads the current Metric value every time the Dashboard is refreshed. If not selected, each Metric is refreshed according to its own refresh rate. For more information, refer to the Metrics documentation, specifically Metric Caching.
- All Widgets Every X minutes: Refreshes all Widgets on a scheduled basis. If not selected, each Widget is refreshed only according to its own refresh rate.
- Individual Widgets on their Own Schedules (only available if the
Refresh All Widgets Every X Minutes check box is selected):
Refreshes each Widget according to its defined refresh rate,
in addition to the Dashboard's refresh rate.
Scheduled Widget Refresh
Most Widgets on a Dashboard can have their own scheduled refresh that is defined as part of the Widget's properties (ex: Every 5 minutes).
A Dashboard's Refresh properties determine whether or not to:
- Refresh the Widgets on a different schedule: Use the Dashboard's scheduled refresh instead.
- Allow the Widgets to refresh themselves: In addition to the Dashboard's scheduled refresh.
Manual Refresh
Users can manually refresh a Dashboard at any time (right-click>Refresh or F5). A manual refresh obeys the Dashboard's defined refresh properties.