CSM 10.5 Documentation


Define Group Options for Report Styles

Groups are used to organize and display data into sections to make Reports easier to read. Each Group of data is displayed with a Group Header band and Group Footer band. Use the Report Style Group Options to define the following:

  • Group Header: Font, text alignment, color, and lines of the Group Header band.
  • Group Footer: Font, text alignment, color, and lines of the Group Footer band.

To define the Group Header and Footer options for Report Styles:

  1. Open the Report Style Window to edit a Report Style or create a New Report Style.
  2. Click Group Options in the Report Styles window.

    Report Style Window Group Options

  3. Define the Font settings:

    • Font type (example: Microsoft Sans Serif)
    • Font size (example: 22)
    • Font style (bold, bold italic, italic, regular)

  4. Define the Alignment and Color settings:

    • Text alignment (vertical and horizontal)
    • Text color
    • Background color (the color that appears behind the text in the title only)

  5. Select the Draw lines check box if you want to add lines:

    • Select where to place lines using the Top, Bottom, Left, and or Right check boxes.
    • Enter a Line width to set the thickness of the lines (all lines, Top, Bottom, Left, and/or Right, will be the same width).
    • Click the Line color drop-down to define the line color.

  6. Click OK to save and close the Report Style, or proceed to Column Headers.

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