CSM 10.5 Documentation


Map Active Directory User Attributes to CSM User Fields

Map Active Directory user attributes to User Business Object fields so that data is copied to the user record when the user logs in to CSM through SAML.

You need the list of Active Directory attributes added in the AD FS Management tool. See Configure User Attributes in ADFS.

To map Active Directory User Attributes:

  1. In CSM Administrator, create a Blueprint.
  2. From the toolbar menu, select Tools > Edit SAML Settigs.
  3. Select the User Mapping page.
  4. Select the Create or update users when logging in users SAML check box.
  5. Select Add.
  6. In the Attribute name box, type the exact name of the Active Directory attribute.
  7. Select one of these options:
    • New Field: Add a new Business Object field to map to the Active Directory attribute. You must also select a data type and size.
    • Existing Field: Select an existing field in the User Business Object.
  8. Repeat for each Active Directory attribute added to ADFS.
  9. Publish the Blueprint.

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