CSM 2022.3 Fixes List

CSM 2022.3 Release Notes: this list describes fixed issues that were reported in previous releases.

Business Object Design Elements

  • DR 42963 Grids: Added a new setting to Advanced System Settings that will allow an administrator to change the maximum cacheable size for Business Objects, which will allow larger objects to be stored within memory for use with validation and related record lookups.
  • DR 50805 Modifiers: Improved decoding of RTF files.
  • DR 51198 Variables: Fixed an issue with JSON array parsing.
  • DR 51366 Themes: View-only forms now display read-only state override colors in the Form Editor.
  • DR 51243 Actions: Fixed a search issue in the Browser Client when showing legal values of group objects.
  • DR 51353 Dashboards: Fixed invalid dashboard command list that showed placeholders like $$(NAME)$$.


  • CSM-77161 Third-Party Integrations: Fixed an issue where journal detail fields displayed JSON, which was difficult for customers to read.
  • DR 45292 Automation Processes: Fixed an issue where adding a note through the Activity Pane would not cause any dependent automation process events to trigger.
  • DR 51277 REST API: The 'getsearchresults' API call now handles negative numbers.

One-Step Actions

  • DR 51240 One-Step Actions: Added support for "Get Details" and "Get Details and Search" commands in Browser Client.


  • DR 50576 Email: The email body field in the Browser Client now expands vertically.
  • DR 50988 Email Monitor: Fixed an issue where XML formatting was removed from plain text emails read from Exchange email accounts.

Installation and Upgrade

  • DR 51235 Upgrading: Fixed a mismatched definition ID error when upgrading widgets with the same names but different subtypes.


  • DR 51339 Globalization: A log entry is now created when the spell checker does not use the current culture.