Installing CSM from the Command Line

Use command-line options to silently install CSM Client, server, and web applications. After installation, you can configure CSM servers using the Server Manager or Command-Line Configuration utility.

Each of the following sections contains commands and examples for running the silent installer.

When creating a command, you must use two variables: the directory where CSM will be installed (INSTALLDIR) and all other parameters (PARAMS) in a list. Remember the following rules for commands in CSM:

  • Values that include spaces must be wrapped in double quotation marks. Since PARAMS includes multiple parameters, its values always require quotes. INSTALLDIR requires quotes only if any of the directories in the filepath have spaces in their names (example: INSTALLDIR:"C:\Program Files\CSM").
  • A final backslash is not required for the INSTALLDIR filepath. If the INSTALLDIR filepath ends with a backslash, it must be escaped (example: INSTALLDIR:"C:\Program Files\CSM\\").
  • Parameter values inside of double quotes must be separated by a pipe ( | ) or a semi-colon ( ; ).
  • CSM includes .exe files for CSM Server installation, CSM Web Applications installation, and Cherwell Server Manager installation.
  • CSM Client is installed using an .msi file.
  • Silent installation of an .exe file can be achieved using either /quiet or /silent switch commands. These can be shortened to /q or /s. The examples in the following sections use /q.

CSM Client Installation

The CSM Client installer uses an .msi file, so the command to launch the CSM Client installer requires a different format than all other CSM installers. In addition to INSTALLDIR, the CSM Client installation command uses INSTALLLEVEL.

Use the following command to install CSM Clients:

msiexec /i "Cherwell Client.msi" /qn <Install parameters here>

The following example installs the Desktop Client and administrator tools (CSM Administrator, Report Runner, System Upgrade/Restore, and Test LDAP) for all users:

msiexec /i "Cherwell Client.msi" /qn INSTALLLEVEL=10





Location/folder in which to install the Client application files. [ProgramFilesFolder]Cherwell Service Management (default)


Install the CSM Desktop Client only or both CSM Desktop and CSM Administrator.
  • 1 = Client component only installed.
  • 10 = Client and Administrator components installed.

CSM Server Installation

During the server installation, the Server Manager and all servers and services are installed. You must select which servers and services to enable by default.

Use the following command to install the Cherwell Server:

"Cherwell Server.exe" /q INSTALLDIR="<File path to directory for installation>" PARAMS="<Formatted list of parameters and values>"

The following example command is completely silent, which means it avoids opening a wizard and therefore does not install data or configure services. The command installs the Cherwell Application server, the Automation microservice, the Scheduling microservice, and the E-mail and Event Monitoring microservice. It also sets the local Windows account to launch CSM services and does not install the Cherwell Application server as a web application under IIS:






Location/folder in which to install the server installation files. [ProgramFilesFolder]Cherwell Service Management (default)

Database Options

The Connection Wizard is launched when DATABASETYPE is set to 1, 2, or 3. For a silent install, set DATABASETYPE to 4.


Select the database components to install. Cherwell Demo Database = 1 (default)
Cherwell Starter (empty) Database = 2
Upgrade an existing database = 3
Don't load any data = 4
Service Options


Enable the Application Server.
  • 1 = Enable (default)
  • 0 = Disable


Enable the Automation Process microservice.
  • 1 = Enable (default)
  • 0 = Disable


Enable the Scheduling microservice.
  • 1 = Enable (default)
  • 0 = Disable


Enable the E-mail and Event Monitoring microservice.
  • 1 = Enable (default)
  • 0 = Disable
Logon Information


Cherwell Server account username that will be used to launch the CSM services. Must be in the form Domain/username.

Blank (default), but information is required.

Format: DOMAIN\Username if the server is joined by a domain. Example: Cherwell\Henri.Bryce


Cherwell Server account password that will be used to launch the CSM services. Blank (default), but information is required.


Use special account (Windows account) to launch the CSM services.
  • 1 = True
  • 0 = False (default)


Name of special account that will be used to launch the CSM services.
  • LocalSystem (default)
  • LocalService
  • NetworkService


Install the Application Server as a web application under IIS.
  • 2 = True (default)
  • 0 = False


Allow auto-configuration of services including the Application Server and Service Host.

For a completely silent install, set to 0. The installation process will complete without service configuration, and the services must be configured after installation.

If this option is left out or set to 1, the installation attempts to automatically configure the services and displays the Connection wizard if no suitable connection is found.

  • 1 = True
  • 0 = False

CSM Web Applications

Use the following command to install the CSM Web Applications:

"Cherwell Browser Apps.exe" /q INSTALLDIR="<File path to directory for installation>" PARAMS="<Formatted list of parameters and values>"

The following example does not install the Portal, but it installs Auto-Deploy:

"Cherwell Browser Apps.exe" /q INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\CSM" PARAMS="CWPORTAL=0|CWAUTODEPLOY=1"





Install Cherwell Portal.
  • 1 = Install (default)
  • 0 = Do not install


Install Cherwell Browser client.
  • 1 = Install (default)
  • 0 = Do not install


Install Auto-Deploy.
  • 1 = Install (default)
  • 0 = Do not install


Select whether or not to display the Connection wizard during install.
  • 1 = Display the Connection wizard during install (default)
  • 0 = Do not display the Connection wizard during install


Select whether or not to update the Auto-Deploy configuration.

If Auto-Deploy is not installed (CWAUTODEPLOY=0), then this option is ignored.

  • 2 = Do not run Auto-Deploy configuration

    Before Auto-Deploy is ready for use, you must manually configure Auto-Deploy.

  • 1 = Run Auto-Deploy configuration (default)


Location/folder in which to install the Browser application files. [ProgramFilesFolder]Cherwell Browser Applications (default)