Cherwell Rest API
Cherwell Rest API Documentation
Select version options from the header drop-down list (to the left of the Client Key box). Then, click Explore to view different versions of operations.
Select version options from the header drop-down list (to the left of the Client Key box). Then, click Explore to view different versions of operations.
More information:
Contact Info: [email protected]
Version: 10.4.0
All rights reserved
ModelsTable of Contents
post /api/V1/approval/{approvalRecId}/{approvalAction}
get /api/V1/approval/{approvalRecId}
get /api/V1/getmyapprovals
get /api/V1/getmypendingapprovals
post /api/V1/deletebusinessobjectbatch
delete /api/V1/deletebusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
delete /api/V1/deletebusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
delete /api/V1/deleterelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/publicid/{publicid}
delete /api/V1/deleterelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
post /api/V1/fieldvalueslookup
get /api/V1/getactivities/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/pagesize/{pageSize}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
post /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments
post /api/V1/getbusinessobjectbatch
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/scancode/{scanCode}/busobid/{busobid}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/scancode/{scanCode}/busobname/{busobname}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectschema/busobid/{busobId}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummaries/type/{type}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobid/{busobid}
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobname/{busobname}
post /api/V1/getbusinessobjecttemplate
post /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject
get /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}
get /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/gridid/{gridid}
get /api/V1/linkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
get /api/V2/linkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
put /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmentbusob
put /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmentlink
put /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmenturl
post /api/V1/savebusinessobjectbatch
post /api/V1/savebusinessobject
post /api/V1/saverelatedbusinessobject
delete /api/V1/unlinkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
delete /api/V1/deletegalleryimage/standinkey/{standinkey}
get /api/V1/getgalleryimage/name/{name}
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages
get /api/V1/getstoredvalue/standinkey/{standInKey}
get /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
get /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
get /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}
get /api/V1/storedvalues
get /api/V1/getviews
post /api/V1/savegalleryimage
post /api/V1/savestoredvalue
put /api/V1/setculture/culturecode/{culturecode}
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/stage
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/status
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/lifecycle/stages
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/lifecycle/statuses
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/transitionOptions
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/lifecycle/transitions
post /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/transitions
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}/scope/{scope}
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}
get /api/V1/getonestepactions
get /api/V1/runonestepaction/standinkey/{standinkey}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
get /api/V1/runonestepaction/standinkey/{standinkey}
post /api/V1/runonestepaction
post /api/V1/additemtoqueue
post /api/V1/checkinqueueitem
post /api/V1/checkoutqueueitem
get /api/V1/getqueues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
get /api/V1/getqueues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
get /api/V1/getqueues/scope/{scope}
get /api/V1/getqueues
post /api/V1/removeitemfromqueue
post /api/V1/getquicksearchconfigurationforbusobs
get /api/V1/getquicksearchconfigurationforbusobswithviewrights
post /api/V1/getquicksearchresults
post /api/V1/getquicksearchspecificresults
post /api/V2/getquicksearchspecificresults
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}
get /api/V1/getsearchitems
get /api/V2/getsearchitems
post /api/V1/getsearchresults
post /api/V2/storedsearches
get /api/V1/storedsearches/{scope}/{associationName}/{searchName}
get /api/V2/storedsearches/{scope}/{associationName}/{searchName}
get /api/V1/getsearchresults/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchid/{searchid}
get /api/V1/getsearchresults/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchname/{searchname}
post /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport
get /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchid/{searchid}/exportformat/{exportformat}
get /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchname/{searchname}/exportformat/{exportformat}
get /api/V1/getclientsecuritysettings/applicationtype/{applicationtype}
get /api/V1/getroles
get /api/V2/getroles
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupid/{groupid}/busobid/{busObId}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupid/{groupid}/busobid/{busObId}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupname/{groupname}/busobname/{busobname}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupname/{groupname}/busobname/{busobname}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobid/busobid/{busObId}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobid/busobid/{busObId}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobname/busobname/{busobname}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobname/busobname/{busobname}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupcategories
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupcategories
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprights/groupid/{groupid}/categoryid/{categoryid}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprights/groupid/{groupid}/categoryid/{categoryid}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprights/groupname/{groupname}/categoryname/{categoryname}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprights/groupname/{groupname}/categoryname/{categoryname}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryid/categoryid/{categoryid}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryid/categoryid/{categoryid}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryname/categoryname/{categoryname}
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryname/categoryname/{categoryname}
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroups
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroups
get /api/V1/getusersinsecuritygroup/groupid/{groupid}
get /api/V2/getusersinsecuritygroup/groupid/{groupid}
post /api/V1/addusertoteambybatch
post /api/V1/addusertoteam
post /api/V2/addusertoteam
delete /api/V1/deleteteam/{teamid}
get /api/V1/getteam/{teamid}
get /api/V1/getteams
get /api/V2/getteams
get /api/V1/getusersteams/userrecordid/{userRecordId}
get /api/V2/getusersteams/userrecordid/{userRecordId}
get /api/V1/getworkgroups
get /api/V2/getworkgroups
delete /api/V1/removecustomerfromworkgroup/workgroupid/{workgroupid}/customerrecordid/{customerrecordid}
delete /api/V1/removeuserfromteam/teamid/{teamId}/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
delete /api/V2/removeuserfromteam/teamid/{teamId}/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
post /api/V1/saveteammember
post /api/V1/saveteam
post /api/V1/saveworkgroupmember
post /api/V1/deleteuserbatch
post /api/V2/deleteuserbatch
delete /api/V1/deleteuser/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
delete /api/V2/deleteuser/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
get /api/V1/getlistofusers
post /api/V1/getuserbatch
get /api/V1/getuserbyloginid/loginid/{loginid}
get /api/V2/getuserbyloginid
get /api/V3/getuserbyloginid
get /api/V1/getuserbypublicid/publicid/{publicid}
get /api/V2/getuserbypublicid/publicid/{publicid}
get /api/V1/getuserbyrecid/recid/{recid}
post /api/V1/saveuserbatch
post /api/V2/saveuserbatch
post /api/V1/saveuser
post /api/V2/saveuser
post /api/V1/approval/{approvalRecId}/{approvalAction}
Action an Approval (approvalActionApprovalV1)
Operation that actions an Approval Business Object. Use this method, passing either approve, abstain or deny to update the Business Object's state
Path parameters
approvalRecId (required)
Path Parameter —
approvalAction (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"notificationTriggers" : [ {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
}, {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
} ],
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"cacheKey" : "cacheKey",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"fieldValidationErrors" : [ {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.SaveResponseUp
get /api/V1/approval/{approvalRecId}
Get Approval (approvalGetApprovalByRecIdV1)
Operation that returns an Approval Business Object. Use the provided links to action the Approval
Path parameters
approvalRecId (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"properties" : {
"key" : { }
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Approval.ApprovalReadResponseUp
get /api/V1/getmyapprovals
Get all waiting Approvals for the current user (approvalGetMyApprovalsV1)
Operation that returns a list of Approval Business Objects that are in a state of 'Waiting' for the current user. Use the provided links to action the Approval
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"totalRecords" : 0,
"approvals" : [ {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"properties" : {
"key" : { }
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"properties" : {
"key" : { }
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Approval.GetApprovalsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getmypendingapprovals
Get all waiting approvals that were created by the current user (approvalGetMyPendingApprovalsV1)
Operation that returns a list of Approval Business Objects that are in a state of 'Waiting' that were created by the current user. Use the provided links to action the Approval
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"totalRecords" : 0,
"approvals" : [ {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"properties" : {
"key" : { }
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"properties" : {
"key" : { }
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Approval.GetApprovalsResponseBusinessObject
post /api/V1/deletebusinessobjectbatch
Delete Business Objects in a batch (businessObjectDeleteBusinessObjectBatchV1)
Operation to delete a batch of Business Objects.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BatchDeleteRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Specify an array of Business Object IDs and record IDs or public IDs. Use a flag to stop on error or continue on error.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
deleteRequests (required)
Form Parameter —
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"responses" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BatchDeleteResponseUp
delete /api/V1/deletebusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
Delete a Business Object by public ID (businessObjectDeleteBusinessObjectByPublicIdV1)
Operation to delete a Business Object by Business Object ID.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.DeleteResponseUp
delete /api/V1/deletebusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Delete a Business Object by record ID (businessObjectDeleteBusinessObjectByRecIdV1)
Operation to delete a single Business Object.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.DeleteResponseUp
delete /api/V1/deleterelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/publicid/{publicid}
Delete a related Business Object by public ID (businessObjectDeleteRelatedBusinessObjectByPublicIdV1)
Operation to delete a related Business Object. (Use "Unlink Related Business Object" to unlink two Business Objects rather that deleting the related Business Object.)
Path parameters
parentbusobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID for the parent Business Object.
parentbusobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the parent Business Object
relationshipid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Relationship ID for the related Business Object you want to delete.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the public ID for the related Business Object you want to delete. Use only for Business Objects with unique public IDs. Use "Delete a related Business Object by record ID" when public IDs are not unique.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"totalRecords" : 1,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"relatedBusinessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"pageSize" : 6,
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.RelatedBusinessObjectResponseUp
delete /api/V1/deleterelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Delete a related Business Object by record ID (businessObjectDeleteRelatedBusinessObjectByRecIdV1)
Operation to delete a related Business Object. (Use "Unlink Related Business Object" to unlink two Business Objects rather that deleting the related Business Object.)
Path parameters
parentbusobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID for the parent Business Object.
parentbusobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the parent Business Object
relationshipid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Relationship ID for the related Business Object you want to delete.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the related Business Object you want to delete.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"totalRecords" : 1,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"relatedBusinessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"pageSize" : 6,
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.RelatedBusinessObjectResponseUp
post /api/V1/fieldvalueslookup
Get lookup values for fields (businessObjectFieldValuesLookupV1)
Operation to get potentially valid values for Business Object fields.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object that specifies the Business Object and fields for which values are to be returned.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busbPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
fieldId (required)
Form Parameter —
fieldName (required)
Form Parameter —
fields (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"values" : [ "values", "values" ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.FieldValuesLookupResponseUp
get /api/V1/getactivities/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/pagesize/{pageSize}
Retrieve all activities for a business object (businessObjectGetActivitiesV1)
Operation to retrieve all activities for a business object. Activities are mapped to history tracking business objects.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
pageSize (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the number of rows to return per page. Maximum value is 2000 per page. format: int32
Query parameters
pageNumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the page number of the result set to return. format: int32
activityType (optional)
Query Parameter — The category of activities to retrieve. Will default to All if not specified.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"createdBy" : "createdBy",
"parentBusObDefId" : "parentBusObDefId",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"modified" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"modifiedBy" : "modifiedBy",
"id" : "id",
"type" : "type",
"title" : "title",
"body" : "body",
"historyBusObDefId" : "historyBusObDefId",
"historyBusObRecId" : "historyBusObRecId"
}, {
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"createdBy" : "createdBy",
"parentBusObDefId" : "parentBusObDefId",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"modified" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"modifiedBy" : "modifiedBy",
"id" : "id",
"type" : "type",
"title" : "title",
"body" : "body",
"historyBusObDefId" : "historyBusObDefId",
"historyBusObRecId" : "historyBusObRecId"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Get an imported Business Object attachment (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectAttachmentByAttachmentIdV1)
Operation to get a Business Object attachment that has been imported into the system. HTTP Range Header can be used but is optional.
Path parameters
attachmentid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID of the attachment record that contains information about the imported file.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/octet-stream
OK StringUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
Get attachments by Business Object public ID (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectAttachmentsByIdAndPublicIdV1)
Operation to get attachments for a Business Object by Business Object ID and public ID.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID for the record that contains the attachments.
type (required)
Path Parameter — Record attachment type: </br>None - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>File - Linked files. </br>FileManagerFile - Imported files.</br>BusOb - Attached Business Objects. </br>History - Information about the attachment, if any is available. For example, an e-mail message may store the name of an attachment sent.</br>Other - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>
attachmenttype (required)
Path Parameter — For file types, select the type of attachment: </br>Imported - Attachment was imported into database. </br>Linked - Attachment is linked to an external file. </br>URL - Attachment is a URL.
Query parameters
includelinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
Get attachments by Business Object record ID (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectAttachmentsByIdAndRecIdV1)
Operation to get attachments for a Business Object by Business Object ID and record ID.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
type (required)
Path Parameter — Record attachment type: </br>None - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>File - Linked files. </br>FileManagerFile - Imported files.</br>BusOb - Attached Business Objects. </br>History - Information about the attachment, if any is available. For example, an e-mail message may store the name of an attachment sent.</br>Other - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>
attachmenttype (required)
Path Parameter — For file types, select the type of attachment: </br>Imported - Attachment was imported into database. </br>Linked - Attachment is linked to an external file. </br>URL - Attachment is a URL.
Query parameters
includelinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
Get attachments by Business Object name and public ID (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectAttachmentsByNameAndPublicIdV1)
Operation to get attachments for a Business Object by Business Object Name and public ID.
Path parameters
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID for the record that contains the attachments.
type (required)
Path Parameter — Record attachment type: </br>None - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>File - Linked files. </br>FileManagerFile - Imported files.</br>BusOb - Attached Business Objects. </br>History - Information about the attachment, if any is available. For example, an e-mail message may store the name of an attachment sent.</br>Other - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>
attachmenttype (required)
Path Parameter — For file types, select the type of attachment: </br>Imported - Attachment was imported into database. </br>Linked - Attachment is linked to an external file. </br>URL - Attachment is a URL.
Query parameters
includelinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}
Get attachments by Business Object name and record ID (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectAttachmentsByNameAndRecIdV1)
Operation to get attachments for a Business Object by name and record ID.
Path parameters
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
type (required)
Path Parameter — Record attachment type: </br>None - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>File - Linked files. </br>FileManagerFile - Imported files.</br>BusOb - Attached Business Objects. </br>History - Information about the attachment, if any is available. For example, an e-mail message may store the name of an attachment sent.</br>Other - Not applicable to the REST API. </br>
attachmenttype (required)
Path Parameter — For file types, select the type of attachment: </br>Imported - Attachment was imported into database. </br>Linked - Attachment is linked to an external file. </br>URL - Attachment is a URL.
Query parameters
includelinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
post /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments
Get Business Object attachments by request object (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectAttachmentsV1)
Operation to get attachments for a Business Object by attachments request object.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Object with all the parameters to request an attachments list. You can also request a list of types to get more than just one type at a time.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
attachmentId (required)
Form Parameter —
attachmentTypes (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObName (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
includeLinks (required)
Form Parameter —
types (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
post /api/V1/getbusinessobjectbatch
Get a batch of Business Object records (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectBatchV1)
Operation that returns a batch of Business Object records that includes a list of field record IDs, display names, and values for each record.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BatchReadRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Specify an array of Business Object IDs, record IDs, or public IDs. Use a flag to stop on error or continue on error.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
readRequests (required)
Form Parameter —
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"responses" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BatchReadResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
Get a Business Object record (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectByPublicIdV1)
Operation that returns a Business Object record that includes a list of fields and their record IDs, names, and set values.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.ReadResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Get a Business Object record (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectByRecIdV1)
Operation that returns a Business Object record that includes a list of fields and their record IDs, names, and set values.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.ReadResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/scancode/{scanCode}/busobid/{busobid}
Get a Business Object by its scan code and Business Object ID (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectByScanCodeBusObIdV1)
Operation to get a Business Object based on its associated scan code and Business Object ID.
Path parameters
scanCode (required)
Path Parameter — The scan code for a Business Object record.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — The Business Object ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BarcodeLookupResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobject/scancode/{scanCode}/busobname/{busobname}
Get a Business Object by its scan code and Business Object name (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectByScanCodeBusObNameV1)
Operation to get a Business Object based on its associated scan code and Business Object name.
Path parameters
scanCode (required)
Path Parameter — The scan code for a Business Object record.
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — The Business Bbject name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BarcodeLookupResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectschema/busobid/{busobId}
Get a Business Object schema (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectSchemaV1)
Operation that returns the schema for a Business Object and, optionally, its related Business Objects.
Path parameters
busobId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
Query parameters
includerelationships (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include schemas for related Business Object. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"firstRecIdField" : "firstRecIdField",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"fieldDefinitions" : [ {
"isFullTextSearchable" : true,
"typeLocalized" : "typeLocalized",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"autoFill" : true,
"description" : "description",
"readOnly" : true,
"hasDate" : true,
"type" : "type",
"hasTime" : true,
"enabled" : true,
"required" : true,
"validated" : true,
"name" : "name",
"maximumSize" : "maximumSize",
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"details" : "details",
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"category" : "category",
"calculated" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"isFullTextSearchable" : true,
"typeLocalized" : "typeLocalized",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"autoFill" : true,
"description" : "description",
"readOnly" : true,
"hasDate" : true,
"type" : "type",
"hasTime" : true,
"enabled" : true,
"required" : true,
"validated" : true,
"name" : "name",
"maximumSize" : "maximumSize",
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"details" : "details",
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"category" : "category",
"calculated" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"gridDefinitions" : [ {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"gridId" : "gridId"
}, {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"gridId" : "gridId"
} ],
"states" : "states",
"relationships" : [ {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"description" : "description",
"fieldDefinitions" : [ null, null ],
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"cardinality" : "cardinality",
"target" : "target"
}, {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"description" : "description",
"fieldDefinitions" : [ null, null ],
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"cardinality" : "cardinality",
"target" : "target"
} ],
"recIdFields" : "recIdFields",
"name" : "name",
"stateFieldId" : "stateFieldId",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.SchemaResponseUp
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummaries/type/{type}
Get Business Object summaries by type (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectSummariesV1)
Operation that returns a list of Business Object summaries by type (Major, Supporting, Lookup, Groups, and All).
Path parameters
type (required)
Path Parameter — Use to show:<br />All - All objects<br />Major - Major objects only<br />Supporting - Supporting objects only<br />Lookup - Lookup objects only<br />Groups - Groups only
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"lookup" : true,
"firstRecIdField" : "firstRecIdField",
"recIdFields" : "recIdFields",
"major" : true,
"groupSummaries" : [ null, null ],
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"stateFieldId" : "stateFieldId",
"supporting" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"states" : "states",
"group" : true
}, {
"lookup" : true,
"firstRecIdField" : "firstRecIdField",
"recIdFields" : "recIdFields",
"major" : true,
"groupSummaries" : [ null, null ],
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"stateFieldId" : "stateFieldId",
"supporting" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"states" : "states",
"group" : true
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobid/{busobid}
Get a Business Object summary by ID (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectSummaryByIdV1)
Operation that returns a single Business Object summary by ID.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify a Business Object ID to get its summary.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"lookup" : true,
"firstRecIdField" : "firstRecIdField",
"recIdFields" : "recIdFields",
"major" : true,
"groupSummaries" : [ null, null ],
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"stateFieldId" : "stateFieldId",
"supporting" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"states" : "states",
"group" : true
}, {
"lookup" : true,
"firstRecIdField" : "firstRecIdField",
"recIdFields" : "recIdFields",
"major" : true,
"groupSummaries" : [ null, null ],
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"stateFieldId" : "stateFieldId",
"supporting" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"states" : "states",
"group" : true
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobname/{busobname}
Get a Business Object summary by name (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectSummaryByNameV1)
Operation that returns a single Business Object summary by name.
Path parameters
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify a Business Object name to get its summary.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"lookup" : true,
"firstRecIdField" : "firstRecIdField",
"recIdFields" : "recIdFields",
"major" : true,
"groupSummaries" : [ null, null ],
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"stateFieldId" : "stateFieldId",
"supporting" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"states" : "states",
"group" : true
}, {
"lookup" : true,
"firstRecIdField" : "firstRecIdField",
"recIdFields" : "recIdFields",
"major" : true,
"groupSummaries" : [ null, null ],
"displayName" : "displayName",
"name" : "name",
"stateFieldId" : "stateFieldId",
"supporting" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"states" : "states",
"group" : true
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
post /api/V1/getbusinessobjecttemplate
Get Business Object templates for create (businessObjectGetBusinessObjectTemplateV1)
Operation that returns a template to create Business Objects. The template includes placeholders for field values. You can then send the template with these values to the Business Object Save operation.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.TemplateRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID. Use true to include all required fields or all fields. Specify an optional fields list by adding field names in a comma-delimited list ["field1", "field2"].
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
fieldNames (required)
Form Parameter —
fieldIds (required)
Form Parameter —
includeAll (required)
Form Parameter —
includeRequired (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.TemplateResponseUp
post /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject
Get related Business Objects using a request object (businessObjectGetRelatedBusinessObjectByRequestV1)
Operation to get related Business Objects for a specific relationship. Specify a list of fields to include in the response. The order of parameter usage and overrides is: all fields set to true overrides default overrides; custom grid overrides field list settings.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object containing all the possible parameters to get related Business Objects.
Query parameters
includelinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
allFields (required)
Form Parameter —
customGridId (required)
Form Parameter —
fieldsList (required)
Form Parameter —
filters (required)
Form Parameter —
pageNumber (required)
Form Parameter — format: int32
pageSize (required)
Form Parameter — format: int32
parentBusObId (required)
Form Parameter —
parentBusObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
relationshipId (required)
Form Parameter —
sorting (required)
Form Parameter —
useDefaultGrid (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"totalRecords" : 1,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"relatedBusinessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"pageSize" : 6,
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.RelatedBusinessObjectResponseUp
get /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}
Get related Business Objects by ID (businessObjectGetRelatedBusinessObjectV1)
Operation to get the related objects for a Business Object relationship specifying all fields or default grid as the field to return.
Path parameters
parentbusobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID for the parent Business Object.
parentbusobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the parent Business Object.
relationshipid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Relationship ID for the related Business Object you want to return.
Query parameters
pageNumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the page number of the result set to return. format: int32
pageSize (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the number of rows to return per page. format: int32
allfields (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include all related Business Object fields. Default is true if not supplied. If true, then UseDefaultGrid is not used.
usedefaultgrid (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to trigger the use of the related Business Objects default grid for the list of fields to return.
includelinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"totalRecords" : 1,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"relatedBusinessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"pageSize" : 6,
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.RelatedBusinessObjectResponseUp
get /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/gridid/{gridid}
Get related Business Objects custom grid (businessObjectGetRelatedBusinessObjectWithCustomGridV1)
Operation to get related Business Objects for a specific relationship. Specify a custom grid ID as the fields to return.
Path parameters
parentbusobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID for the parent Business Object.
parentbusobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the parent Business Object.
relationshipid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Relationship ID for the related Business Object you want to return.
gridid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the ID for the custom grid that contains the field list.
Query parameters
pageNumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the page number of the result set to return. format: int32
pageSize (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the number of rows to return per page. format: int32
includelinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"totalRecords" : 1,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"relatedBusinessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"pageSize" : 6,
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.RelatedBusinessObjectResponseUp
get /api/V1/linkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Link related Business Objects (businessObjectLinkRelatedBusinessObjectByRecIdV1)
Operation to link related Business Objects.
Path parameters
parentbusobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID for the parent Business Object.
parentbusobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the parent Business Object.
relationshipid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Relationship ID for the related Business Object you want to link.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID of the Business Object to be linked.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID of the Business Object to be linked.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"totalRecords" : 1,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"relatedBusinessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"pageSize" : 6,
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.RelatedBusinessObjectResponseUp
get /api/V2/linkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Link related Business Objects (businessObjectLinkRelatedBusinessObjectByRecIdV2)
Operation to link related Business Objects.
Path parameters
parentbusobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID for the parent Business Object.
parentbusobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the parent Business Object.
relationshipid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Relationship ID for the related Business Object you want to link.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID of the Business Object to be linked.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID of the Business Object to be linked.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.ResponseBaseUp
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
Remove an attachment by Business Object ID and public ID (businessObjectRemoveBusinessObjectAttachmentByIdAndPublicIdV1)
Operation to remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object ID, and Business Object public ID.
Path parameters
attachmentid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID of the attachment record.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Remove an attachment by Business Object ID and record ID (businessObjectRemoveBusinessObjectAttachmentByIdAndRecIdV1)
Operation to remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object ID, and Business Object record ID.
Path parameters
attachmentid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID of the attachment record.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}
Remove an attachment by Business Object name and public ID (businessObjectRemoveBusinessObjectAttachmentByNameAndPublicIdV1)
Operation to remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object name, and Business Object record ID.
Path parameters
attachmentid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID of the attachment record.
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
delete /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Remove an attachment by Business Object name and record ID (businessObjectRemoveBusinessObjectAttachmentByNameAndRecIdV1)
Operation to remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object name, and Business Object public ID.
Path parameters
attachmentid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID of the attachment record.
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
put /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmentbusob
Attach a Business Object to a Business Object (businessObjectSaveBusinessObjectAttachmentBusObV1)
Operation to attach a Business Object to a Business Object. This links the Business Object but does not create a relationship between the two. (Use "Link Related Business Objects" to create a relationship.)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object used to specify the Business Objects to attach. You can use Business Object name or ID and Business Object record ID or public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
attachBusObId (required)
Form Parameter —
attachBusObName (required)
Form Parameter —
attachBusObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
attachBusObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObName (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
comment (required)
Form Parameter —
includeLinks (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
put /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmentlink
Attach a file via UNC (businessObjectSaveBusinessObjectAttachmentLinkV1)
Operation to attach a file to a Business Object via a path (UNC recommended).
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object used to specify the file path (UNC recommended) and the Business Object. You can use Business Object name or ID and Business Object record ID or public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObName (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
comment (required)
Form Parameter —
displayText (required)
Form Parameter —
includeLinks (required)
Form Parameter —
uncFilePath (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
put /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmenturl
Attach a URL path (businessObjectSaveBusinessObjectAttachmentUrlV1)
Operation to attach a URL path to a Business Object.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object used to specify the URL path and Business Object. You can use Business Object name or ID and Business Object record ID or public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObName (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
comment (required)
Form Parameter —
displayText (required)
Form Parameter —
includeLinks (required)
Form Parameter —
url (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.AttachmentsResponseUp
post /api/V1/savebusinessobjectbatch
Create or update a batch of Business Objects (businessObjectSaveBusinessObjectBatchV1)
Operation that creates or updates an array of Business Objects in a batch. To update, specify record ID or public ID. To create, leave record ID and public ID empty.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BatchSaveRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Specify the array of Business Object templates.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
saveRequests (required)
Form Parameter —
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"responses" : [ {
"notificationTriggers" : [ {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
}, {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
} ],
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"cacheKey" : "cacheKey",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"fieldValidationErrors" : [ {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"notificationTriggers" : [ {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
}, {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
} ],
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"cacheKey" : "cacheKey",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"fieldValidationErrors" : [ {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.BatchSaveResponseUp
post /api/V1/savebusinessobject
Create or Update a Business Object (businessObjectSaveBusinessObjectV1)
Operation that creates a new Business Object or updates an existing Business Object. To create, leave record ID and public ID empty. Upon creating or saving, a cache key is returned to use for subsequent requests. If the object is not found in the cache with said cache key, specify record ID or public ID to save and return a new cache key. Set persist = true, to actually save the Business Object to disk, persist = false will just cache it.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.SaveRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Specify a list of fields from a Business Object template.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
cacheKey (required)
Form Parameter —
cacheScope (required)
Form Parameter —
fields (required)
Form Parameter —
persist (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"notificationTriggers" : [ {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
}, {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
} ],
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"cacheKey" : "cacheKey",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"fieldValidationErrors" : [ {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.SaveResponseUp
post /api/V1/saverelatedbusinessobject
Create or update a related Business Object (businessObjectSaveRelatedBusinessObjectV1)
Operation that creates or updates a related Business Object. To update, specify record ID or public ID. To create, leave record ID and public ID empty.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.RelatedSaveRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object specifying the parent the Business Object, the Relationship, and field values for the Business Object to create or update.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
parentBusObId (required)
Form Parameter —
parentBusObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
parentBusObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
relationshipId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
cacheKey (required)
Form Parameter —
cacheScope (required)
Form Parameter —
fields (required)
Form Parameter —
persist (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"fieldValidationErrors" : [ {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"notificationTriggers" : [ {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
}, {
"sourceId" : "sourceId",
"sourceType" : "sourceType",
"sourceChange" : "sourceChange",
"key" : "key"
} ],
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"cacheKey" : "cacheKey",
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.BusinessObject.RelatedSaveResponseUp
delete /api/V1/unlinkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
UnLink related Business Objects (businessObjectUnLinkRelatedBusinessObjectByRecIdV1)
Operation to unlink related Business Objects.
Path parameters
parentbusobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID for the parent Business Object.
parentbusobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID for the parent Business Object.
relationshipid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Relationship ID for the related Business Object you want to unlink.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID of the Business Object to be unlinked.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID of the Business Object to be unlinked.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"parentBusObPublicId" : "parentBusObPublicId",
"totalRecords" : 1,
"pageNumber" : 0,
"parentBusObRecId" : "parentBusObRecId",
"relatedBusinessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"pageSize" : 6,
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"parentBusObId" : "parentBusObId",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.RelatedBusinessObjectResponseUp
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
Upload an attachment by Business Object ID and public ID (businessObjectUploadBusinessObjectAttachmentByIdAndPublicIdV1)
Operation to upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object ID and public ID. The body of the request is the byte array of the file part being uploaded.
Path parameters
filename (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the file being uploaded. If no attachment name is provided, the file name is used.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID to attach the file to.
offset (required)
Path Parameter — The offset is the starting index of the file part being uploaded. If this is the first part then the offset will be zero. format: int32
totalsize (required)
Path Parameter — The entire file size in bytes. format: int32
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/octet-stream
Request body
body string (required)
Body Parameter —
Query parameters
attachmentid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment ID of an uploaded file to upload subsequent parts and ensure each part gets appended to the parts that have already been uploaded.
displaytext (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment name, which is the display text for the attachment record.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringUp
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
Upload an attachment by Business Object ID and record ID (businessObjectUploadBusinessObjectAttachmentByIdAndRecIdV1)
Operation to upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object ID and record ID. The body of the request is the byte array of the file part being uploaded.
Path parameters
filename (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the file being uploaded. If no attachment name is provided, the file name is used.
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID to attach the file to.
offset (required)
Path Parameter — The offset is the starting index of the file part being uploaded. If this is the first part then the offset will be zero. format: int32
totalsize (required)
Path Parameter — The entire file size in bytes. format: int32
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/octet-stream
Request body
body string (required)
Body Parameter —
Query parameters
attachmentid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment ID of an uploaded file to upload subsequent parts and ensure each part gets appended to the parts that have already been uploaded.
displaytext (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment name, which is the display text for the attachment record.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringUp
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
Upload an attachment by Business Object name and public ID (businessObjectUploadBusinessObjectAttachmentByNameAndPublicIdV1)
Operation to upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object name and public ID. The body of the request is the byte array of the file part being uploaded.
Path parameters
filename (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the file being uploaded. If no attachment name is provided, the file name is used.
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID to attach the file to.
offset (required)
Path Parameter — The offset is the starting index of the file part being uploaded. If this is the first part then the offset will be zero. format: int32
totalsize (required)
Path Parameter — The entire file size in bytes. format: int32
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/octet-stream
Request body
body string (required)
Body Parameter —
Query parameters
attachmentid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment ID of an uploaded file to upload subsequent parts and ensure each part gets appended to the parts that have already been uploaded.
displaytext (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment name, which is the display text for the attachment record.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringUp
post /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}
Upload an attachment by Business Object name and record ID (businessObjectUploadBusinessObjectAttachmentByNameAndRecIdV1)
Operation to upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object name and record ID. The body of the request is the byte array of the file part being uploaded.
Path parameters
filename (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the file being uploaded. If no attachment name is provided, the file name is used.
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID to attach the file to.
offset (required)
Path Parameter — The offset is the starting index of the file part being uploaded. If this is the first part then the offset will be zero. format: int32
totalsize (required)
Path Parameter — The entire file size in bytes. format: int32
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/octet-stream
Request body
body string (required)
Body Parameter —
Query parameters
attachmentid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment ID of an uploaded file to upload subsequent parts and ensure each part gets appended to the parts that have already been uploaded.
displaytext (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the attachment name, which is the display text for the attachment record.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringCore
delete /api/V1/deletegalleryimage/standinkey/{standinkey}
Delete a gallery image (coreDeleteGalleryImageByStandInKeyV1)
Endpoint to delete a gallery image.
Path parameters
standinkey (required)
Path Parameter — The StandIn key for the gallery image to delete.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
get /api/V1/getgalleryimage/name/{name}
Get built-in images (coreGetGalleryImageV1)
Operation that gets built-in images. If you are requesting an icon (.ico), you can specify width and height.
Path parameters
name (required)
Path Parameter — Image name and folder location in the Image Manager. Parameter must begin with "[PlugIn]Images;" and then a period-separated list of folders. Example: "[PlugIn]Images;Images.Common.Cherwell.ico".
Query parameters
width (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the width (icons only). format: int32
height (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the height (icons only). format: int32
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringUp
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
Get gallery images by scope, scopeowner, and folder (coreGetGalleryImagesFolderV1)
Get gallery images for the specified scope, scopeowner, and folder.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope to get gallery images for.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — the scopeowner to get gallery images for.
folder (required)
Path Parameter — The folder to get gallery images for.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
Get gallery images by scope and scopeowner (coreGetGalleryImagesScopeOwnerV1)
Get all gallery images for the specified scope and scope owner.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope to get gallery images for.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — The scopeowner to get gallery images for.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}
Get gallery images by scope (coreGetGalleryImagesScopeV1)
Get all gallery images for the specified scope.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope to get the images for.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getgalleryimages
Get all gallery images (coreGetGalleryImagesV1)
Get all the gallery images in the system.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getstoredvalue/standinkey/{standInKey}
Get a stored value (coreGetStoredValueV1)
Get a stored value by its StandIn key.
Path parameters
standInKey (required)
Path Parameter — The StandIn key for the Stored Value you would like to retrieve.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"description" : "description",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"folder" : "folder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"id" : "id",
"hasError" : true,
"storedValueType" : "Text",
"value" : "value",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.StoredValueResponseUp
get /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
Get stored values by folder (coreGetStoredValuesFolderV1)
Get stored values for the specified folder.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope for which to get stored values.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — The scope owner for which to get stored values.
folder (required)
Path Parameter — The folder for which to get stored values.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
Get stored values by scope owner (coreGetStoredValuesScopeOwnerV1)
Get stored values for the specified scope and scope owner.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope for which to get stored values.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — The scope owner for which to get stored values.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}
Get stored values by scope (coreGetStoredValuesScopeV1)
Get all the stored values for the specified scope.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope for which to get stored values.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/storedvalues
Gets all the stored values in the system (coreGetStoredValuesV1)
Get all the stored values in the system.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getviews
Get a list of the views (coreGetViewsV1)
Operation to get a list of views that are configured in the system.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"views" : [ {
"image" : "image",
"viewId" : "viewId",
"name" : "name"
}, {
"image" : "image",
"viewId" : "viewId",
"name" : "name"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ViewsResponseUp
post /api/V1/savegalleryimage
Create or update a gallery image (coreSaveGalleryImageV1)
Endpoint to Create or update a gallery image. To create a new gallery image leave the StandIn key blank. To update a gallery image provide the StandIn key of the gallery image you want to update.
There are three different ImageTypes allowed: Imported, Url, and File. To use the Imported image type, provide the filename in the Name property, with extension, and provide the image data in a Base64 encoded format in the Base64EncodedImageData property. The max file size is 512k.
To use the Url image type, provide the full network share path to the file in the Name property, ie: "\\\\networkshare\\somefolder\\somefile.jpg". If the file is not accessible to all users it will not visible to all users.
To use the File image type, provide the full path to the file in the Name property, ie: "C:\\somefolder\\somfile.jpg". If the file is not accessible to all users it will not visible to all users.
When creating or updating an image, Name and ImageType are always required, and if the image type is "Imported", then the Base64EncodedImageData is also required.
scope, scopeowner, and folder can all be updated independently.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.SaveGalleryImageRequest (required)
Body Parameter — To create a new gallery image leave the StandIn key blank. To update a gallery image provide the StandIn key of the gallery image you want to update.
There are three different ImageTypes allowed: Imported, Url, and File. To use the Imported image type, provide the filename in the Name property, with extension, and provide the image data in a Base64 encoded format in the Base64EncodedImageData property. The max file size is 512k.
To use the Url image type, provide the full network share path to the file in the Name property, ie: "\\\\networkshare\\somefolder\\somefile.jpg". If the file is not accessible to all users it will not visible to all users.
To use the File image type, provide the full path to the file in the Name property, ie: "C:\\somefolder\\somfile.jpg". If the file is not accessible to all users it will not visible to all users.
When creating or updating an image, Name and ImageType are always required, and if the image type is "Imported", then the Base64EncodedImageData is also required.
scope, scopeowner, and folder can all be updated independently.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
base64EncodedImageData (required)
Form Parameter —
description (required)
Form Parameter —
folder (required)
Form Parameter —
imageType (required)
Form Parameter —
name (required)
Form Parameter —
scope (required)
Form Parameter —
scopeOwner (required)
Form Parameter —
standInKey (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.SaveGalleryImageResponseUp
post /api/V1/savestoredvalue
Create or update a stored value (coreSaveStoredValueV1)
Operation to create or update a stored value. To update, specify the StandIn key for the stored value to update. To create leave StandIn key blank, and provide a name, a scope, a type, and a value.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.SaveStoredValueRequest (required)
Body Parameter — The stored value to create or update. To update include the StandIn key for the associated stored value. To create, name, scope, type, and value are required.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
description (required)
Form Parameter —
folder (required)
Form Parameter —
name (required)
Form Parameter —
scope (required)
Form Parameter —
scopeOwner (required)
Form Parameter —
standInKey (required)
Form Parameter —
storedValueType (required)
Form Parameter —
value (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"description" : "description",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"folder" : "folder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"id" : "id",
"hasError" : true,
"storedValueType" : "Text",
"value" : "value",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.StoredValueResponseUp
put /api/V1/setculture/culturecode/{culturecode}
Set the culture for the current user (coreSetCultureV1)
Operation to update the current users culture by culture code. This returns a new access token that has the updated information in it.
Path parameters
culturecode (required)
Path Parameter — The culture code to set for the current user.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringForms
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}
Get mobile form by BusObId and Public ID (formsGetMobileFormForBusObByIdAndPublicIdV1)
Operation that gets a mobile form for a specific Business Object by Business Object ID and Public ID.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object Public ID.
Query parameters
foredit (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to get the edit mode version of a form.
formid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the form ID if the default is not desired.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"locationInformation" : {
"altitude" : 0.8008281904610115,
"latitude" : 6.027456183070403,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"longitude" : 1.4658129805029452
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"actions" : [ {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
}, {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
} ],
"sections" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Forms.MobileFormResponseUp
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Get mobile form by Business Object ID and Business Object Record ID. (formsGetMobileFormForBusObByIdAndRecIdV1)
Operation that gets a mobile form for a specific Business Object by Business Object ID and record ID.
Path parameters
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object Record ID.
Query parameters
foredit (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to get the edit mode version of a form.
formid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the form ID if the default is not desired.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"locationInformation" : {
"altitude" : 0.8008281904610115,
"latitude" : 6.027456183070403,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"longitude" : 1.4658129805029452
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"actions" : [ {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
}, {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
} ],
"sections" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Forms.MobileFormResponseUp
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}
Get mobile form by Business Object name and Public ID (formsGetMobileFormForBusObByNameAndPublicIdV1)
Operation that gets a mobile form for a specific Business Object by Business Object name and public ID.
Path parameters
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object public ID.
Query parameters
foredit (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to get the edit mode version of a form.
formid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the form ID if the default is not desired.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"locationInformation" : {
"altitude" : 0.8008281904610115,
"latitude" : 6.027456183070403,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"longitude" : 1.4658129805029452
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"actions" : [ {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
}, {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
} ],
"sections" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Forms.MobileFormResponseUp
get /api/V1/getmobileformforbusob/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Get mobile form by Business Object name and record ID. (formsGetMobileFormForBusObByNameAndRecIdV1)
Operation that gets a mobile form for a specific Business Object by Business Object name and record ID.
Path parameters
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
Query parameters
foredit (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to get the edit mode version of a form.
formid (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the form ID if the default is not desired.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"attachments" : [ {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"owner" : "owner",
"attachedBusObRecId" : "attachedBusObRecId",
"displayText" : "displayText",
"attachmentFileId" : "attachmentFileId",
"attachedBusObId" : "attachedBusObId",
"attachmentFileName" : "attachmentFileName",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"attachmentType" : "Imported",
"created" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"type" : "None",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"attachmentFileType" : "attachmentFileType",
"scope" : "None",
"comment" : "comment",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"attachmentId" : "attachmentId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ],
"locationInformation" : {
"altitude" : 0.8008281904610115,
"latitude" : 6.027456183070403,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"longitude" : 1.4658129805029452
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"actions" : [ {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
}, {
"beginGroup" : true,
"displayText" : "displayText",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"helpText" : "helpText",
"visible" : true,
"childActions" : [ null, null ],
"enabled" : true,
"dependencies" : [ "dependencies", "dependencies" ],
"actionCommand" : "actionCommand",
"actionType" : "None",
"loginVisibilityMode" : "Anonymous",
"loginEnabledMode" : "Anonymous",
"name" : "name",
"alwaysTextAndImage" : true,
"parameters" : {
"key" : "parameters"
} ],
"sections" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"sectionFields" : [ {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"multiline" : true,
"attributes" : [ { }, { } ],
"label" : "label",
"fieldType" : "fieldType",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"targetBusObId" : "targetBusObId",
"title" : "title",
"relationshipId" : "relationshipId",
"targetBusObRecId" : "targetBusObRecId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Forms.MobileFormResponseLifecycle
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/stage
Get current lifecycle stage for record (lifecycleGetRecordStage)
Gets the current lifecycle stage of a business object record
Path parameters
businessObjectDefinitionId (required)
Path Parameter —
recordId (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"name" : "name",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"id" : "id",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Lifecycle.GetRecordStatusResponseUp
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/status
Get current lifecycle status for record (lifecycleGetRecordStatus)
Gets the current lifecycle status of a business object record
Path parameters
businessObjectDefinitionId (required)
Path Parameter —
recordId (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"name" : "name",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"id" : "id",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Lifecycle.GetRecordStatusResponseUp
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/lifecycle/stages
Get lifecycle stages (lifecycleGetStages)
Gets all of the stages on the lifecycle for a Business Object
Path parameters
businessObjectDefinitionId (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"stages" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"id" : "id",
"isFinal" : true
}, {
"name" : "name",
"id" : "id",
"isFinal" : true
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Lifecycle.GetStagesResponseUp
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/lifecycle/statuses
Get lifecycle statuses (lifecycleGetStatuses)
Gets all of the statuses on the lifecycle for a Business Object
Path parameters
businessObjectDefinitionId (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"statuses" : [ {
"isInitial" : true,
"name" : "name",
"id" : "id",
"stageId" : "stageId"
}, {
"isInitial" : true,
"name" : "name",
"id" : "id",
"stageId" : "stageId"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Lifecycle.GetStatusesResponseUp
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/transitionOptions
Get lifecycle transition options for record (lifecycleGetTransitionOptions)
Gets the lifecycle transition options currently available to a business object record
Path parameters
businessObjectDefinitionId (required)
Path Parameter —
recordId (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"transitions" : [ {
"isAvailable" : true,
"criteria" : [ "criteria", "criteria" ],
"name" : "name",
"id" : "id"
}, {
"isAvailable" : true,
"criteria" : [ "criteria", "criteria" ],
"name" : "name",
"id" : "id"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Lifecycle.GetTransitionOptionsResponseUp
get /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/lifecycle/transitions
Get lifecycle transitions (lifecycleGetTransitions)
Gets all of the transitions on the lifecycle for a Business Object
Path parameters
businessObjectDefinitionId (required)
Path Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"transitions" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"fromStatusId" : "fromStatusId",
"id" : "id",
"toStatusId" : "toStatusId"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"fromStatusId" : "fromStatusId",
"id" : "id",
"toStatusId" : "toStatusId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Lifecycle.GetTransitionsResponseUp
post /api/V1/{businessObjectDefinitionId}/records/{recordId}/transitions
Transition a business object record (lifecycleTransitionRecord)
Transitions a business object record in to the specified lifecycle status
Path parameters
businessObjectDefinitionId (required)
Path Parameter —
recordId (required)
Path Parameter —
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Lifecycle.TransitionRecordRequest (required)
Body Parameter —
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
transitionOptionId (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.ResponseBaseOneStepActions
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
Get One-Step Actions by Folder (oneStepActionsGetOneStepActionsByAssociationScopeScopeOwnerFolderV1)
Operation to get One-Step Actions by Association, Scope, Scope Owner in a specific folder.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Business Object association to get One-Step Actions for
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Scope to get One-Step Actions for
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Scope owner to get One-Step Actions for
folder (required)
Path Parameter — Folder to get One-Step Actions from
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
Get One-Step Actions by Scope Owner (oneStepActionsGetOneStepActionsByAssociationScopeScopeOwnerV1)
Operation to get One-Step Actions by Association, Scope, Scope Owner
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Business Object association to get One-Step Actions for
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Scope to get One-Step Actions for
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Scope owner to get One-Step Actions for
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}/scope/{scope}
Get One-Step Actions by Scope (oneStepActionsGetOneStepActionsByAssociationScopeV1)
Operation to get One-Step Actions by Association, Scope
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Business Object association to get One-Step Actions for
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Scope to get One-Step Actions for
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getonestepactions/association/{association}
Get One-Step Actions by Association (oneStepActionsGetOneStepActionsByAssociationV1)
Operation to get One-Step Actions by Association
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Business Object association to get One-Step Actions for
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getonestepactions
Get One-Step Actions by default Association (oneStepActionsGetOneStepActionsV1)
Operation to get One-Step Actions by default Association
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/runonestepaction/standinkey/{standinkey}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}
Run a One-Step Action for a Business Object record (oneStepActionsRunOneStepActionByKeyForRecordByRecIdV1)
Operation to run a One-Step Action for a Business Object record by Business Object ID and Business Object Record ID.
Path parameters
standinkey (required)
Path Parameter — The key to find the One-Step Action to run
busobid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
busobrecid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"newAccessToken" : "newAccessToken",
"currentPrimaryBusObRecId" : "currentPrimaryBusObRecId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"completed" : true,
"currentPrimaryBusObId" : "currentPrimaryBusObId",
"hasNewAccessToken" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.OneStepActions.OneStepActionResponseUp
get /api/V1/runonestepaction/standinkey/{standinkey}
Run a stand alone One-Step Action (oneStepActionsRunOneStepActionByStandInKeyV1)
Operation to run a One-Step Action that doesn't run against a Business Object Record.
Path parameters
standinkey (required)
Path Parameter — The key to find the One-Step Action to run
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"newAccessToken" : "newAccessToken",
"currentPrimaryBusObRecId" : "currentPrimaryBusObRecId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"completed" : true,
"currentPrimaryBusObId" : "currentPrimaryBusObId",
"hasNewAccessToken" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.OneStepActions.OneStepActionResponseUp
post /api/V1/runonestepaction
Run a One-Step Action using a OneStepActionRequest (oneStepActionsRunOneStepActionV1)
Operation to run a One-Step Action using a OneStepActionRequest. This request is used to start a One-Step Action run with additional information such as prompt values.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object containing all the properties need to start a One-Step Action.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
acquireLicense (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
oneStepActionStandInKey (required)
Form Parameter —
promptValues (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"newAccessToken" : "newAccessToken",
"currentPrimaryBusObRecId" : "currentPrimaryBusObRecId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"completed" : true,
"currentPrimaryBusObId" : "currentPrimaryBusObId",
"hasNewAccessToken" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.OneStepActions.OneStepActionResponseQueues
post /api/V1/additemtoqueue
Add a Business Object to a queue (queuesAddItemToQueueV1)
Operation to add a Business Object to a queue
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.AddItemToQueueRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object containing all properties necessary to add an item to a queue. All properties are required. The standin key defines the queue to which we want to add the Business Object.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
queueStandInKey (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"historyRecId" : "historyRecId",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"historyText" : "historyText",
"historyTypeId" : "historyTypeId",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.AddItemToQueueResponseUp
post /api/V1/checkinqueueitem
Check a Business Object in to a queue (queuesCheckInQueueItemV1)
Operation to check in a queue item
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.CheckInQueueItemRequest (required)
Body Parameter — The request object for checking in an item to a queue. All properties are required except for historyNotes
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
historyNotes (required)
Form Parameter —
queueStandInKey (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"historyRecId" : "historyRecId",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"historyText" : "historyText",
"historyTypeId" : "historyTypeId",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.CheckInQueueItemResponseUp
post /api/V1/checkoutqueueitem
Check a Business Object out of a queue (queuesCheckOutQueueItemV1)
Operation to check out a queue item
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.CheckOutQueueItemRequest (required)
Body Parameter — The request object for checking out an item from a queue. All properties are required except for historyNotes
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
historyNotes (required)
Form Parameter —
queueStandInKey (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"historyRecId" : "historyRecId",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"historyText" : "historyText",
"historyTypeId" : "historyTypeId",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.CheckOutQueueItemResponseUp
get /api/V1/getqueues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
Get available queues. (queuesGetQueuesFolderV1)
Get available queues for a specific Business Object type based on scope, scope owner, and folder.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope to get available queues for.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — The scope owner to get available queues for.
folder (required)
Path Parameter — The folder to get available queues for. This has to be the folder ID which can be retrieved by doing a getqueues operation without the folder including links option then the links will have the folder IDs.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Whether or not to include links.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getqueues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
Get available queues. (queuesGetQueuesScopeOwnerV1)
Get available queues for a specific Business Object type based on scope, and scope owner.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope to get available queues for.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — The scope owner to get available queues for.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Whether or not to include links.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getqueues/scope/{scope}
Get available queues. (queuesGetQueuesScopeV1)
Get available queues for a specific Business Object type based on scope.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — The scope to get available queues for.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Whether or not to include links.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getqueues
Get available queues. (queuesGetQueuesV1)
Get available queues for a specific Business Object.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Whether or not to include links.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
post /api/V1/removeitemfromqueue
Remove an item from a queue (queuesRemoveItemFromQueueV1)
Operation to remove an item from a queue
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.RemoveItemFromQueueRequest (required)
Body Parameter — The request object to remove an item from a queue. All properties are required except for historyNotes
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
historyNotes (required)
Form Parameter —
queueStandInKey (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"historyRecId" : "historyRecId",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"historyText" : "historyText",
"historyTypeId" : "historyTypeId",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Queues.RemoveItemFromQueueResponseSearches
post /api/V1/getquicksearchconfigurationforbusobs
Get a Quick Search from a list of Business Object IDs (searchesGetQuickSearchConfigurationForBusObsV1)
Operation to build a Quick Search configuration that you can use to execute a Quick Search for multiple Business Objects. The configuration includes supplied Business Object IDs and specific search items with the following options. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change the options.
</br></br>ChangedOption</br>NonFinalStateOption</br>SearchAnyWordsOption</br>SearchAttachmentsOption</br>SearchRelatedOption</br>SortByOption</br></br>Option Key:</br>0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)</br>1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)</br>2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)</br>3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)</br></br>SearchTargetType:</br>0 = BusOb (Business Object)</br>1 = DocRepository (Document Repository)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request containing the Business Object IDs list.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObIds (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"specificSearchItems" : [ null, null ],
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"defaultToQuickSearch" : true,
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"resolvedQuickSearchWatermark" : "resolvedQuickSearchWatermark",
"allowSpecificSearch" : true,
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"history" : [ "history", "history" ],
"sortByRelevance" : true,
"includeAvailableInSpecific" : true,
"includeQuickSearchInSpecific" : true,
"quickSearchId" : "quickSearchId",
"quickSearchItems" : [ {
"changedOption" : "None",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"searchTargetId" : "searchTargetId",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"searchAnyWordsOption" : "None",
"changedLimits" : [ {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
}, {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
} ],
"searchRelatedOption" : "None",
"ascending" : true,
"hasAnyOptions" : true,
"watermarkText" : "watermarkText",
"sortByOption" : "None",
"selectedSortByFieldId" : "selectedSortByFieldId",
"searchAttachmentsOption" : "None",
"sortByFields" : {
"key" : "sortByFields"
"searchTargetType" : "BusOb",
"nonFinalStateOption" : "None"
}, {
"changedOption" : "None",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"searchTargetId" : "searchTargetId",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"searchAnyWordsOption" : "None",
"changedLimits" : [ {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
}, {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
} ],
"searchRelatedOption" : "None",
"ascending" : true,
"hasAnyOptions" : true,
"watermarkText" : "watermarkText",
"sortByOption" : "None",
"selectedSortByFieldId" : "selectedSortByFieldId",
"searchAttachmentsOption" : "None",
"sortByFields" : {
"key" : "sortByFields"
"searchTargetType" : "BusOb",
"nonFinalStateOption" : "None"
} ],
"scope" : "scope",
"allowQuickSearch" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"quickSearchWatermark" : "quickSearchWatermark",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.QuickSearchConfigurationResponseUp
get /api/V1/getquicksearchconfigurationforbusobswithviewrights
Get a Quick Search by Business Objects with view rights (searchesGetQuickSearchConfigurationForBusObsWithViewRightsV1)
Operation to get a Quick Search configuration that you can use to execute a Quick Search based the current user's Business Object view rights. The configuration includes supplied Business Object IDs and specific search items with the following options. Use the Option Key to determine if you can change the options.</br></br>ChangedOption</br>NonFinalStateOption</br>SearchAnyWordsOption</br>SearchAttachmentsOption</br>SearchRelatedOption</br>SortByOption</br></br>Option Key:</br>0 = None (Not selected and cannot select.)</br>1 = Use (Selected and cannot clear.)</br>2 = Display (Not selected and can select.)</br>3 = UseAndDisplay (Selected and can clear.)</br></br>SearchTargetType:</br>0 = BusOb (Business Object)</br>1 = DocRepository (Document Repository)
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"specificSearchItems" : [ null, null ],
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"defaultToQuickSearch" : true,
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"resolvedQuickSearchWatermark" : "resolvedQuickSearchWatermark",
"allowSpecificSearch" : true,
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"history" : [ "history", "history" ],
"sortByRelevance" : true,
"includeAvailableInSpecific" : true,
"includeQuickSearchInSpecific" : true,
"quickSearchId" : "quickSearchId",
"quickSearchItems" : [ {
"changedOption" : "None",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"searchTargetId" : "searchTargetId",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"searchAnyWordsOption" : "None",
"changedLimits" : [ {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
}, {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
} ],
"searchRelatedOption" : "None",
"ascending" : true,
"hasAnyOptions" : true,
"watermarkText" : "watermarkText",
"sortByOption" : "None",
"selectedSortByFieldId" : "selectedSortByFieldId",
"searchAttachmentsOption" : "None",
"sortByFields" : {
"key" : "sortByFields"
"searchTargetType" : "BusOb",
"nonFinalStateOption" : "None"
}, {
"changedOption" : "None",
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"searchTargetId" : "searchTargetId",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"searchAnyWordsOption" : "None",
"changedLimits" : [ {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
}, {
"displayName" : "displayName",
"units" : "units",
"value" : 0
} ],
"searchRelatedOption" : "None",
"ascending" : true,
"hasAnyOptions" : true,
"watermarkText" : "watermarkText",
"sortByOption" : "None",
"selectedSortByFieldId" : "selectedSortByFieldId",
"searchAttachmentsOption" : "None",
"sortByFields" : {
"key" : "sortByFields"
"searchTargetType" : "BusOb",
"nonFinalStateOption" : "None"
} ],
"scope" : "scope",
"allowQuickSearch" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"quickSearchWatermark" : "quickSearchWatermark",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.QuickSearchConfigurationResponseUp
post /api/V1/getquicksearchresults
Execute a Quick Search from a list of Business Object IDs and search text (searchesGetQuickSearchResultsV1)
Operation to execute a Quick Search using a list of Business Object IDs and search text.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.QuickSearchRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object listing Business Object IDs and search text. Leave out the entire Business Object IDs parameter and all configured quick search Business Objects will be searched.
Query parameters
includeLinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
busObIds (required)
Form Parameter —
searchText (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"groups" : [ {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SimpleResultsListUp
post /api/V1/getquicksearchspecificresults
Execute a Quick Search on a specific Business Object (searchesGetQuickSearchSpecificResultsV1)
Operation to execute a Quick Search for a specific Business Object ID. Use "Get a Quick Search from a list of Business Object IDs" to find values for specific search item options, such as NonFinalStateOption.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object containing the parameters for specific Business Object Quick Search execution.
Query parameters
includeSchema (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include the schema for the results.
includeLocationFields (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include location fields in the results.
includeLinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
ascending (required)
Form Parameter —
isBusObTarget (required)
Form Parameter —
nonFinalState (required)
Form Parameter —
searchAnyWords (required)
Form Parameter —
searchAttachments (required)
Form Parameter —
searchRelated (required)
Form Parameter —
searchText (required)
Form Parameter —
selectedChangedLimit (required)
Form Parameter —
selectedSortByFieldId (required)
Form Parameter —
sortByRelevance (required)
Form Parameter —
specificSearchTargetId (required)
Form Parameter —
useSortBy (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"columns" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"sorting" : [ {
"sortDirection" : 1,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"sortDirection" : 1,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"totalRows" : 5,
"hasError" : true,
"rows" : [ {
"rowColor" : "rowColor",
"searchResultsFieldValues" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"rowColor" : "rowColor",
"searchResultsFieldValues" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchResultsTableResponseUp
post /api/V2/getquicksearchspecificresults
Execute a Quick Search on a specific Business Object (searchesGetQuickSearchSpecificResultsV2)
Operation to execute a Quick Search for a specific Business Object ID. Use "Get a Quick Search from a list of Business Object IDs" to find values for specific search item options, such as NonFinalStateOption.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object containing the parameters for specific Business Object Quick Search execution.
Query parameters
includeSchema (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include the schema for the results.
includeLocationFields (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include location fields in the results.
includeLinks (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
ascending (required)
Form Parameter —
isBusObTarget (required)
Form Parameter —
nonFinalState (required)
Form Parameter —
searchAnyWords (required)
Form Parameter —
searchAttachments (required)
Form Parameter —
searchRelated (required)
Form Parameter —
searchText (required)
Form Parameter —
selectedChangedLimit (required)
Form Parameter —
selectedSortByFieldId (required)
Form Parameter —
sortByRelevance (required)
Form Parameter —
specificSearchTargetId (required)
Form Parameter —
useSortBy (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"simpleResultsList" : {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"groups" : [ {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"searchResultsTable" : {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"sorting" : [ {
"sortDirection" : 1,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"sortDirection" : 1,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"totalRows" : 5,
"hasError" : true,
"rows" : [ {
"rowColor" : "rowColor",
"searchResultsFieldValues" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"rowColor" : "rowColor",
"searchResultsFieldValues" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.QuickSearchResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
Get all saved searches by Folder ID (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationScopeScopeOwnerFolderV1)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope name or ID.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope owner ID.
folder (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Search Group folder ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
}, {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
} ],
"folderName" : "folderName",
"folderId" : "folderId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchItemResponseUp
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}
Get all saved searches by Folder ID (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationScopeScopeOwnerFolderV2)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope name or ID.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope owner ID.
folder (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Search Group folder ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
Get all saved searches by scope owner (sub scope) (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationScopeScopeOwnerV1)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope name or ID.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope owner ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
}, {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
} ],
"folderName" : "folderName",
"folderId" : "folderId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchItemResponseUp
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}
Get all saved searches by scope owner (sub scope) (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationScopeScopeOwnerV2)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope name or ID.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope owner ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}
Get all saved searches by scope (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationScopeV1)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope name or ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
}, {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
} ],
"folderName" : "folderName",
"folderId" : "folderId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchItemResponseUp
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}
Get all saved searches by scope (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationScopeV2)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by scope name or ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}
Get all saved searches by Business Object association (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationV1)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
}, {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
} ],
"folderName" : "folderName",
"folderId" : "folderId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchItemResponseUp
get /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}
Get all saved searches by Business Object association (searchesGetSearchItemsByAssociationV2)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Use to filter results by Business Object association ID.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
get /api/V1/getsearchitems
Get all saved searches by default Business Object association (searchesGetSearchItemsV1)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
}, {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"searchId" : "searchId",
"parentFolderId" : "parentFolderId",
"scope" : "scope",
"searchName" : "searchName",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
} ],
"folderName" : "folderName",
"folderId" : "folderId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchItemResponseUp
get /api/V2/getsearchitems
Get all saved searches by default Business Object association (searchesGetSearchItemsV2)
Operation that returns a tree of saved queries, including scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.
Query parameters
links (optional)
Query Parameter — Flag to include hyperlinks in results. Default is false.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"supportedAssociations" : [ {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
}, {
"valueObject" : { },
"valueString" : "valueString",
"displayString" : "displayString",
"name" : "name",
"description" : "description",
"category" : "category",
"specialUseFlag" : true,
"displayShowsValue" : true
} ],
"root" : {
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"childFolders" : [ null, null ],
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"association" : "association",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"childItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"displayName" : "displayName",
"association" : "association",
"description" : "description",
"parentIsScopeFolder" : true,
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName",
"parentFolder" : "parentFolder",
"scope" : "scope",
"name" : "name",
"standInKey" : "standInKey",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"id" : "id"
} ],
"id" : "id",
"parentId" : "parentId",
"localizedScopeName" : "localizedScopeName"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ManagerDataUp
post /api/V1/getsearchresults
Run an ad-hoc search (searchesGetSearchResultsAdHocV1)
Operation that runs an ad-hoc Business Object search. To execute a search with Prompts, the PromptId and Value are required in the Prompt request object.</br></br>PromptType is a FieldSubType enum as described below:</br>FieldSubType</br>None = 0</br>Text = 1</br>Number = 2</br>DateTime = 3</br>Logical = 4</br>Binary = 5</br>DateOnly = 6</br>TimeOnly = 7</br>Json = 8</br>JsonArray = 9</br>Xml = 10</br>XmlCollection = 11</br>TimeValue = 12</br>
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchResultsRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to specify search parameters.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
association (required)
Form Parameter —
associationName (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
customGridDefId (required)
Form Parameter —
dateTimeFormatting (required)
Form Parameter —
fieldId (required)
Form Parameter —
fields (required)
Form Parameter —
filters (required)
Form Parameter —
includeAllFields (required)
Form Parameter —
includeSchema (required)
Form Parameter —
pageNumber (required)
Form Parameter — format: int32
pageSize (required)
Form Parameter — format: int32
scope (required)
Form Parameter —
scopeOwner (required)
Form Parameter —
searchId (required)
Form Parameter —
searchName (required)
Form Parameter —
searchText (required)
Form Parameter —
sorting (required)
Form Parameter —
promptValues (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"businessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"hasPrompts" : true,
"searchResultsFields" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"simpleResults" : {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"groups" : [ {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"totalRows" : 0,
"hasError" : true,
"hasMoreRecords" : true,
"prompts" : [ {
"allowValuesOnly" : true,
"collectionStoreEntireRow" : "collectionStoreEntireRow",
"multiLine" : true,
"values" : [ "values", "values" ],
"listReturnFieldId" : "listReturnFieldId",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"isDateRange" : true,
"required" : true,
"constraintXml" : "constraintXml",
"promptType" : "None",
"listDisplayOption" : "Auto",
"default" : "default",
"contents" : "contents",
"collectionValueField" : "collectionValueField",
"promptId" : "promptId",
"promptTypeName" : "promptTypeName",
"text" : "text",
"value" : { },
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"allowValuesOnly" : true,
"collectionStoreEntireRow" : "collectionStoreEntireRow",
"multiLine" : true,
"values" : [ "values", "values" ],
"listReturnFieldId" : "listReturnFieldId",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"isDateRange" : true,
"required" : true,
"constraintXml" : "constraintXml",
"promptType" : "None",
"listDisplayOption" : "Auto",
"default" : "default",
"contents" : "contents",
"collectionValueField" : "collectionValueField",
"promptId" : "promptId",
"promptTypeName" : "promptTypeName",
"text" : "text",
"value" : { },
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchResultsResponseUp
post /api/V2/storedsearches
Get results of a saved search (searchesGetSearchResultsAsStringByIdV2)
Operation that returns the results of a saved search in JSON format.</br>This API is protected by a rate limiter and will reject any requests sent from an IP Address when a certain threshold of active concurrent requests has been hit.</br>This value can be configured by the Max Concurrent Requests configuration value in the Web API config.</br>Once this limit has been reached, all subsequent requests will receive a status code of 429 (Too Many Requests).</br>This version is not subject to row limits and will return the entire result set of the stored search.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.StoredSearchRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to specify search parameters.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
associationId (required)
Form Parameter —
associationName (required)
Form Parameter —
gridId (required)
Form Parameter —
includeSchema (required)
Form Parameter —
scope (required)
Form Parameter —
scopeOwnerId (required)
Form Parameter —
searchId (required)
Form Parameter —
searchName (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"columns" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"type" : "Text",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"type" : "Text",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"rows" : [ [ { }, { } ], [ { }, { } ] ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.StoredSearchResultsUp
get /api/V1/storedsearches/{scope}/{associationName}/{searchName}
Get results of a saved search (searchesGetSearchResultsAsStringByNameV1)
Operation that returns the results of a saved search in JSON format.</br>This API is protected by a rate limiter and will reject any requests sent from an IP Address when a certain threshold of active concurrent requests has been hit.</br>This value can be configured by the Max Concurrent Requests configuration value in the Web API config.</br>Once this limit has been reached, all subsequent requests will receive a status code of 429 (Too Many Requests).
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope name for the saved search.
associationName (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object association Name for the saved search.
searchName (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the saved search.
Query parameters
scopeOwner (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the scope owner ID for the saved search. Use (None) when no scope owner exists.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
array[map[String, String]]
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"key" : ""
}, {
"key" : ""
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/storedsearches/{scope}/{associationName}/{searchName}
Get results of a saved search (searchesGetSearchResultsAsStringByNameV2)
Operation that returns the results of a saved search in JSON format.</br>This API is protected by a rate limiter and will reject any requests sent from an IP Address when a certain threshold of active concurrent requests has been hit.</br>This value can be configured by the Max Concurrent Requests configuration value in the Web API config.</br>Once this limit has been reached, all subsequent requests will receive a status code of 429 (Too Many Requests).</br>This version is not subject to row limits and will return the entire result set of the stored search.
Path parameters
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope name for the saved search.
associationName (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object association Name for the saved search.
searchName (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the saved search.
Query parameters
scopeOwner (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the scope owner ID for the saved search. Use (None) when no scope owner exists.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
array[map[String, String]]
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"key" : ""
}, {
"key" : ""
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V1/getsearchresults/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchid/{searchid}
Run a saved search by internal ID (searchesGetSearchResultsByIdV1)
Operation that returns the paged results of a saved search. When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresults ad-hoc http post operation.</br></br>PromptType is a FieldSubType enum as described below:</br>FieldSubType</br>None = 0</br>Text = 1</br>Number = 2</br>DateTime = 3</br>Logical = 4</br>Binary = 5</br>DateOnly = 6</br>TimeOnly = 7</br>Json = 8</br>JsonArray = 9</br>Xml = 10</br>XmlCollection = 11</br>TimeValue = 12</br>
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object association ID for the saved search.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope name or ID for the saved search.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope owner ID for the saved search. Use (None) when no scope owner exists.
searchid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID for the saved search. Use "Run a saved search by name" if you do not have the internal ID.
Query parameters
searchTerm (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify search text filter the results. Example: Use "Service Request" to filter Incident results to include only service requests.
pagenumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the page number of the result set to return. format: int32
pagesize (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the number of rows to return per page. format: int32
includeschema (optional)
Query Parameter — Use to include the table schema of the saved search. If false, results contain the fieldid and field value without field information. Default is false.
resultsAsSimpleResultsList (optional)
Query Parameter — Indicates if the results should be returned in a simple results list format or a table format. Default is a table format.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"businessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"hasPrompts" : true,
"searchResultsFields" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"simpleResults" : {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"groups" : [ {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"totalRows" : 0,
"hasError" : true,
"hasMoreRecords" : true,
"prompts" : [ {
"allowValuesOnly" : true,
"collectionStoreEntireRow" : "collectionStoreEntireRow",
"multiLine" : true,
"values" : [ "values", "values" ],
"listReturnFieldId" : "listReturnFieldId",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"isDateRange" : true,
"required" : true,
"constraintXml" : "constraintXml",
"promptType" : "None",
"listDisplayOption" : "Auto",
"default" : "default",
"contents" : "contents",
"collectionValueField" : "collectionValueField",
"promptId" : "promptId",
"promptTypeName" : "promptTypeName",
"text" : "text",
"value" : { },
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"allowValuesOnly" : true,
"collectionStoreEntireRow" : "collectionStoreEntireRow",
"multiLine" : true,
"values" : [ "values", "values" ],
"listReturnFieldId" : "listReturnFieldId",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"isDateRange" : true,
"required" : true,
"constraintXml" : "constraintXml",
"promptType" : "None",
"listDisplayOption" : "Auto",
"default" : "default",
"contents" : "contents",
"collectionValueField" : "collectionValueField",
"promptId" : "promptId",
"promptTypeName" : "promptTypeName",
"text" : "text",
"value" : { },
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchResultsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsearchresults/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchname/{searchname}
Run a saved search by name (searchesGetSearchResultsByNameV1)
Operation that returns the paged results of a saved search. When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresults ad-hoc http post operation.</br></br>PromptType is a FieldSubType enum as described below:</br>FieldSubType</br>None = 0</br>Text = 1</br>Number = 2</br>DateTime = 3</br>Logical = 4</br>Binary = 5</br>DateOnly = 6</br>TimeOnly = 7</br>Json = 8</br>JsonArray = 9</br>Xml = 10</br>XmlCollection = 11</br>TimeValue = 12</br>
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object association ID for the saved search.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope name or ID for the saved search.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope owner ID for the saved search. Use (None) when no scope owner exists.
searchname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the saved search.
Query parameters
searchTerm (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify search text filter the results. Example: Use "Service Request" to filter Incident results to include only service requests.
pagenumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the page number of the result set to return. format: int32
pagesize (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the number of rows to return per page. format: int32
includeschema (optional)
Query Parameter — Use to include the table schema of the saved search. If false, results contain the fieldid and field value without field information. Default is false.
resultsAsSimpleResultsList (optional)
Query Parameter — Indicates if the results should be returned in a simple results list format or a table format. Default is a table format.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"businessObjects" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ null, null ],
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"hasPrompts" : true,
"searchResultsFields" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"isShortTime" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"isLogical" : true,
"caption" : "caption",
"currencySymbol" : "currencySymbol",
"isBinary" : true,
"isVisible" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"defaultSortOrderAscending" : true,
"storageName" : "storageName",
"isShortDate" : true,
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"isNumber" : true,
"currencyCulture" : "currencyCulture",
"isDateTime" : true,
"sortOrder" : "sortOrder",
"isCurrency" : true,
"isFilterAllowed" : true,
"decimalDigits" : 0,
"wholeDigits" : 6,
"hasDefaultSortField" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"simpleResults" : {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"groups" : [ {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"targetId" : "targetId",
"isBusObTarget" : true,
"simpleResultsListItems" : [ {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"galleryImage" : "galleryImage",
"scopeOwner" : "scopeOwner",
"subTitle" : "subTitle",
"scope" : "scope",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"text" : "text",
"docRepositoryItemId" : "docRepositoryItemId",
"title" : "title",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"title" : "title",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"links" : [ {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"url" : "url"
} ],
"totalRows" : 0,
"hasError" : true,
"hasMoreRecords" : true,
"prompts" : [ {
"allowValuesOnly" : true,
"collectionStoreEntireRow" : "collectionStoreEntireRow",
"multiLine" : true,
"values" : [ "values", "values" ],
"listReturnFieldId" : "listReturnFieldId",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"isDateRange" : true,
"required" : true,
"constraintXml" : "constraintXml",
"promptType" : "None",
"listDisplayOption" : "Auto",
"default" : "default",
"contents" : "contents",
"collectionValueField" : "collectionValueField",
"promptId" : "promptId",
"promptTypeName" : "promptTypeName",
"text" : "text",
"value" : { },
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"allowValuesOnly" : true,
"collectionStoreEntireRow" : "collectionStoreEntireRow",
"multiLine" : true,
"values" : [ "values", "values" ],
"listReturnFieldId" : "listReturnFieldId",
"busObId" : "busObId",
"isDateRange" : true,
"required" : true,
"constraintXml" : "constraintXml",
"promptType" : "None",
"listDisplayOption" : "Auto",
"default" : "default",
"contents" : "contents",
"collectionValueField" : "collectionValueField",
"promptId" : "promptId",
"promptTypeName" : "promptTypeName",
"text" : "text",
"value" : { },
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Searches.SearchResultsResponseUp
post /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport
Export an ad-hoc search (searchesGetSearchResultsExportAdHocV1)
Operation that returns an ad-hoc search in a specified export format: 0=CSV, 1=Excel, 2=Tab, 3=Word, 4=Custom Separator, 5=Simple JSON. To execute a search with Prompts, the PromptId and Value are required in the Prompt request object.</br></br>PromptType is a FieldSubType enum as described below:</br>FieldSubType</br>None = 0</br>Text = 1</br>Number = 2</br>DateTime = 3</br>Logical = 4</br>Binary = 5</br>DateOnly = 6</br>TimeOnly = 7</br>Json = 8</br>JsonArray = 9</br>Xml = 10</br>XmlCollection = 11</br>TimeValue = 12</br>
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
Body Parameter — Request object to specify search parameters and export format.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
customSeparator (required)
Form Parameter —
exportFormat (required)
Form Parameter —
exportTitle (required)
Form Parameter —
association (required)
Form Parameter —
associationName (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
customGridDefId (required)
Form Parameter —
dateTimeFormatting (required)
Form Parameter —
fieldId (required)
Form Parameter —
fields (required)
Form Parameter —
filters (required)
Form Parameter —
includeAllFields (required)
Form Parameter —
includeSchema (required)
Form Parameter —
pageNumber (required)
Form Parameter — format: int32
pageSize (required)
Form Parameter — format: int32
scope (required)
Form Parameter —
scopeOwner (required)
Form Parameter —
searchId (required)
Form Parameter —
searchName (required)
Form Parameter —
searchText (required)
Form Parameter —
sorting (required)
Form Parameter —
promptValues (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringUp
get /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchid/{searchid}/exportformat/{exportformat}
Export a saved search by ID (searchesGetSearchResultsExportByIdV1)
Operation that returns the paged results of a saved search in a specified format. When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresultsexport ad-hoc http post operation.</br></br>PromptType is a FieldSubType enum as described below:</br>FieldSubType</br>None = 0</br>Text = 1</br>Number = 2</br>DateTime = 3</br>Logical = 4</br>Binary = 5</br>DateOnly = 6</br>TimeOnly = 7</br>Json = 8</br>JsonArray = 9</br>Xml = 10</br>XmlCollection = 11</br>TimeValue = 12</br>
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object association ID for the saved search.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope name or ID for the saved search.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope owner ID for the saved search. Use (None) when no scope owner exists.
searchid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID for the saved search. Use "Run a saved search by name" if you do not have the internal ID.
exportformat (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the format of the export
Query parameters
searchTerm (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify search text filter the results. Example: Use "Service Request" to filter Incident results to include only service requests.
pagenumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the page number of the result set to return. format: int32
pagesize (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the number of rows to return per page. format: int32
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringUp
get /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchname/{searchname}/exportformat/{exportformat}
Export a saved search by name (searchesGetSearchResultsExportByNameV1)
Operation that returns the paged results of a saved search in a specified format. When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresultsexport ad-hoc http post operation.</br></br>PromptType is a FieldSubType enum as described below:</br>FieldSubType</br>None = 0</br>Text = 1</br>Number = 2</br>DateTime = 3</br>Logical = 4</br>Binary = 5</br>DateOnly = 6</br>TimeOnly = 7</br>Json = 8</br>JsonArray = 9</br>Xml = 10</br>XmlCollection = 11</br>TimeValue = 12</br>
Path parameters
association (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object association ID for the saved search.
scope (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope name or ID for the saved search.
scopeowner (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the scope owner ID for the saved search. Use (None) when no scope owner exists.
searchname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the name of the saved search.
exportformat (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the format of the export
Query parameters
searchTerm (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify search text filter the results. Example: Use "Service Request" to filter Incident results to include only service requests.
pagenumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the page number of the result set to return. format: int32
pagesize (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the number of rows to return per page. format: int32
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK StringSecurity
get /api/V1/getclientsecuritysettings/applicationtype/{applicationtype}
Get client security settings (securityGetClientSecuritySettingsV1)
Operation to get the configured client security settings. Returns true if internal, Windows, LDAP, or SAML are enabled as authentication methods.
Path parameters
applicationtype (required)
Path Parameter — The type of CSM application to return security settings for. Application type is Desktop Client, Browser Client, Browser Portal or Cherwell Mobile.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"samlLoginAllowed" : true,
"ldapLoginAllowed" : true,
"internalLoginAllowed" : true,
"windowsLoginAllowed" : true
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.ClientSecuritySettingsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getroles
Get all available Roles (securityGetRolesV1)
Operation to get all available Roles.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"roles" : [ {
"browserClientCustomViewId" : "browserClientCustomViewId",
"businessObjectExcludeList" : [ "businessObjectExcludeList", "businessObjectExcludeList" ],
"smartClientCustomViewId" : "smartClientCustomViewId",
"culture" : "culture",
"roleId" : "roleId",
"mobileClientCustomViewId" : "mobileClientCustomViewId",
"roleName" : "roleName",
"description" : "description",
"primaryBusObId" : "primaryBusObId"
}, {
"browserClientCustomViewId" : "browserClientCustomViewId",
"businessObjectExcludeList" : [ "businessObjectExcludeList", "businessObjectExcludeList" ],
"smartClientCustomViewId" : "smartClientCustomViewId",
"culture" : "culture",
"roleId" : "roleId",
"mobileClientCustomViewId" : "mobileClientCustomViewId",
"roleName" : "roleName",
"description" : "description",
"primaryBusObId" : "primaryBusObId"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.RoleReadResponseUp
get /api/V2/getroles
Get all available Roles (securityGetRolesV2)
Operation to get all available Roles.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"roles" : [ {
"browserClientCustomViewId" : "browserClientCustomViewId",
"businessObjectExcludeList" : [ "businessObjectExcludeList", "businessObjectExcludeList" ],
"smartClientCustomViewId" : "smartClientCustomViewId",
"culture" : "culture",
"roleId" : "roleId",
"mobileClientCustomViewId" : "mobileClientCustomViewId",
"roleName" : "roleName",
"description" : "description",
"primaryBusObId" : "primaryBusObId"
}, {
"browserClientCustomViewId" : "browserClientCustomViewId",
"businessObjectExcludeList" : [ "businessObjectExcludeList", "businessObjectExcludeList" ],
"smartClientCustomViewId" : "smartClientCustomViewId",
"culture" : "culture",
"roleId" : "roleId",
"mobileClientCustomViewId" : "mobileClientCustomViewId",
"roleName" : "roleName",
"description" : "description",
"primaryBusObId" : "primaryBusObId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.RoleReadV2ResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupid/{groupid}/busobid/{busObId}
Get Business Object permissions by Security Group (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsByBusObIdV1)
Operation to get specific Business Object permissions for a Security Group.
Path parameters
groupid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group ID.
busObId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupid/{groupid}/busobid/{busObId}
Get Business Object permissions by Security Group (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsByBusObIdV2)
Operation to get specific Business Object permissions for a Security Group.
Path parameters
groupid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group ID.
busObId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"businessObjectPermissions" : [ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.GetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupname/{groupname}/busobname/{busobname}
Get Business Object permissions by Security Group (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsByBusObNameV1)
Operation to get specific Business Object permissions for a Security Group.
Path parameters
groupname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group name.
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissions/groupname/{groupname}/busobname/{busobname}
Get Business Object permissions by Security Group (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsByBusObNameV2)
Operation to get specific Business Object permissions for a Security Group.
Path parameters
groupname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group name.
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"businessObjectPermissions" : [ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.GetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobid/busobid/{busObId}
Get Business Object permission for current user (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsForCurrentUserByBusObIdV1)
Operation to get Business Object permissions for the currently logged-in user's Security Group.
Path parameters
busObId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobid/busobid/{busObId}
Get Business Object permission for current user (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsForCurrentUserByBusObIdV2)
Operation to get Business Object permissions for the currently logged-in user's Security Group.
Path parameters
busObId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"businessObjectPermissions" : [ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.GetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobname/busobname/{busobname}
Get Business Object permissions for current user (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsForCurrentUserByBusObNameV1)
Operation to get Business Object permissions for currently logged in user's Security Group.
Path parameters
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupbusinessobjectpermissionsforcurrentuserbybusobname/busobname/{busobname}
Get Business Object permissions for current user (securityGetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsForCurrentUserByBusObNameV2)
Operation to get Business Object permissions for currently logged in user's Security Group.
Path parameters
busobname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Business Object name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"businessObjectPermissions" : [ {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
}, {
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObId" : "busObId",
"teamView" : true,
"fieldPermissions" : [ {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"fieldName" : "fieldName",
"teamEdit" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"departmentMemberEdit" : true,
"edit" : true,
"departmentMemberView" : true,
"teamManagerOfOwnerView" : true,
"teamView" : true,
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"view" : true,
"ownerView" : true,
"managerOfOwnerEdit" : true,
"ownerEdit" : true,
"managerOfOwnerView" : true,
"busObName" : "busObName"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.GetSecurityGroupBusinessObjectPermissionsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroupcategories
Get all Security Group categories (securityGetSecurityGroupCategoriesV1)
Operation to get IDs and names for all available Security Group categories.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription"
}, {
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroupcategories
Get all Security Group categories (securityGetSecurityGroupCategoriesV2)
Operation to get IDs and names for all available Security Group categories.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"rightCategories" : [ {
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription"
}, {
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.SecurityRightCategoriesResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprights/groupid/{groupid}/categoryid/{categoryid}
Get permissions for a Security Group by category (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsByGroupIdAndCategoryIdV1)
Operation to get permissions for a Security Group by category. To get Security Group IDs, use "Get all available Security Groups." To get Security Group category IDs, use "Get all Security Group categories."
Path parameters
groupid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group ID
categoryid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category ID
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprights/groupid/{groupid}/categoryid/{categoryid}
Get permissions for a Security Group by category (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsByGroupIdAndCategoryIdV2)
Operation to get permissions for a Security Group by category. To get Security Group IDs, use "Get all available Security Groups." To get Security Group category IDs, use "Get all Security Group categories."
Path parameters
groupid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group ID
categoryid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category ID
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"rights" : [ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.SecurityRightsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprights/groupname/{groupname}/categoryname/{categoryname}
Get permissions for a Security Group by category (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsByGroupNameAndCategoryNameV1)
Operation to get permissions for a Security Group by category.
Path parameters
groupname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group name.
categoryname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprights/groupname/{groupname}/categoryname/{categoryname}
Get permissions for a Security Group by category (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsByGroupNameAndCategoryNameV2)
Operation to get permissions for a Security Group by category.
Path parameters
groupname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group name.
categoryname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"rights" : [ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.SecurityRightsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryid/categoryid/{categoryid}
Get current user's permissions by Security Group category by ID (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsForCurrentUserByCategoryIdV1)
Operation to get permissions for the current user's Security Group by category. To get Security Group category IDs, use "Get all Security Group categories."
Path parameters
categoryid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryid/categoryid/{categoryid}
Get current user's permissions by Security Group category by ID (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsForCurrentUserByCategoryIdV2)
Operation to get permissions for the current user's Security Group by category. To get Security Group category IDs, use "Get all Security Group categories."
Path parameters
categoryid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"rights" : [ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.SecurityRightsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryname/categoryname/{categoryname}
Get current user's permissions by Security Group category by name (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsForCurrentUserByCategoryNameV1)
Operation to get permissions for the current user's Security Group by category.
Path parameters
categoryname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getsecuritygrouprightsforcurrentuserbycategoryname/categoryname/{categoryname}
Get current user's permissions by Security Group category by name (securityGetSecurityGroupRightsForCurrentUserByCategoryNameV2)
Operation to get permissions for the current user's Security Group by category.
Path parameters
categoryname (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group category name.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"rights" : [ {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
}, {
"add" : true,
"allow" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerAdd" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerDelete" : true,
"edit" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerEdit" : true,
"categoryName" : "categoryName",
"delete" : true,
"categoryDescription" : "categoryDescription",
"standardRightName" : "standardRightName",
"rightName" : "rightName",
"isYesNoRight" : true,
"nonScopeOwnerView" : true,
"rightId" : "rightId",
"categoryId" : "categoryId",
"viewRunOpen" : true
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.SecurityRightsResponseUp
get /api/V1/getsecuritygroups
Get all available Security Groups (securityGetSecurityGroupsV1)
Operation to get IDs, names, and descriptions for all available Security Groups.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"securityGroups" : [ {
"groupName" : "groupName",
"groupId" : "groupId",
"description" : "description"
}, {
"groupName" : "groupName",
"groupId" : "groupId",
"description" : "description"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.SecurityGroupResponseUp
get /api/V2/getsecuritygroups
Get all available Security Groups (securityGetSecurityGroupsV2)
Operation to get IDs, names, and descriptions for all available Security Groups.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"securityGroups" : [ {
"groupName" : "groupName",
"groupId" : "groupId",
"description" : "description"
}, {
"groupName" : "groupName",
"groupId" : "groupId",
"description" : "description"
} ],
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.SecurityGroupV2ResponseUp
get /api/V1/getusersinsecuritygroup/groupid/{groupid}
Get users in a Security Group (securityGetUsersInSecurityGroupV1)
Operation to get the users in a specified Security Group. Use "Get all available Security Groups" to get Security Group record IDs.
Path parameters
groupid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
get /api/V2/getusersinsecuritygroup/groupid/{groupid}
Get users in a Security Group (securityGetUsersInSecurityGroupV2)
Operation to get the users in a specified Security Group. Use "Get all available Security Groups" to get Security Group record IDs.
Path parameters
groupid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Security Group ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserReadV2ResponseService
get /api/V1/serviceinfo
Get information about the REST Api and CSM (serviceGetServiceInfoV1)
Operation to get information about the REST API and CSM. The response is latest REST API operation version, CSM version, and CSM system date and time.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"apiVersion" : "apiVersion",
"csmCulture" : "csmCulture",
"csmVersion" : "csmVersion",
"timeZone" : { },
"systemDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"systemUtcOffset" : "systemUtcOffset"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Core.ServiceInfoResponseUp
delete /api/V1/logout
Log out user by token (serviceLogoutUserV1)
Operation that logs out the user referenced in the authentication token.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
post /token
Get an access token (serviceToken)
Operation to request an access token for one of the following authentication modes. Or, you can request an access token using a refresh token. An API client key is required in both cases, and the authentication mode you use must be the mode used by the CSM Browser Client. </br>Internal - Use a CSM username and password. If no other mode is specified, Internal mode is used.</br>Windows - Uses the server variable LOGON_USER to attempt to find a CSM user. You can also use domain\username and password.</br>LDAP - Uses the LDAP settings configured for CSM and the server variable LOGON_USER to attempt to find a CSM user. You can also use domain\username and password.</br>SAML - Uses the SAML settings configured for CSM to validate credentials and find the CSM user.</br>Auto - Uses the enabled authentication types configured for CSM.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Query parameters
auth_mode (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify the Authentication Mode to use for requesting an access token.
site_name (optional)
Query Parameter — If for portal specify the Site name to use for requesting an access token.
Form parameters
grant_type (required)
Form Parameter —
client_id (required)
Form Parameter —
client_secret (required)
Form Parameter —
username (required)
Form Parameter —
password (required)
Form Parameter —
refresh_token (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"access_token" : "access_token",
"refresh_token" : "refresh_token",
"as:client_id" : "as:client_id",
".expires" : ".expires",
"token_type" : "token_type",
"expires_in" : 0,
".issued" : ".issued",
"username" : "username"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.*/*
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Security.TokenResponseTeams
post /api/V1/addusertoteambybatch
Add users to a team by batch (teamsAddUserToTeamByBatchV1)
Operation to add users to a Team by batch. To get internal IDs for users, use “Get User Information in a Batch.” To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams."
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.AddUserToTeamByBatchRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to specify a list of add user to team request objects.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
addUserToTeamRequests (required)
Form Parameter —
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"responses" : [ {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.AddUserToTeamByBatchResponseUp
post /api/V1/addusertoteam
Add a user to a team (teamsAddUserToTeamV1)
Operation to add a user to a Team. To get the user's internal ID, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public ID." To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams."
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.AddUserToTeamRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to specify user and team values.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
teamId (required)
Form Parameter —
userIsTeamManager (required)
Form Parameter —
userRecordId (required)
Form Parameter —
No ContentUp
post /api/V2/addusertoteam
Add a user to a team (teamsAddUserToTeamV2)
Operation to add a user to a Team. To get the user's internal ID, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public ID." To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams."
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.AddUserToTeamRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to specify user and team values.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
teamId (required)
Form Parameter —
userIsTeamManager (required)
Form Parameter —
userRecordId (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.AddUserToTeamResponseUp
delete /api/V1/deleteteam/{teamid}
Delete a Team (teamsDeleteTeamV1)
Operation to delete a Team by Team ID.
Path parameters
teamid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Team ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
get /api/V1/getteam/{teamid}
Get a team by its TeamId (teamsGetTeamV1)
Operation to get Team Info for a single Team using its Team ID. To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams." Note that TeamType has two possible values, where TeamType = 0 for User (CSM Users), or TeamType = 1 for Workgroup (CSM Customers).
Path parameters
teamid (required)
Path Parameter — The Team ID of the Team to get.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"image" : "image",
"teamId" : "teamId",
"name" : "name",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"description" : "description",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"emailAlias" : "emailAlias",
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"teamType" : "User",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamResponseUp
get /api/V1/getteams
Get all available Teams (teamsGetTeamsV1)
Operation to get IDs and names for all available Teams.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"teams" : [ {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
}, {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamsResponseUp
get /api/V2/getteams
Get all available Teams (teamsGetTeamsV2)
Operation to get IDs and names for all available Teams.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"teams" : [ {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
}, {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamsV2ResponseUp
get /api/V1/getusersteams/userrecordid/{userRecordId}
Get Team assignments for a user (teamsGetUsersTeamsV1)
Operation to get Team assignments for a user. To get record IDs, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public id."
Path parameters
userRecordId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the user record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"teams" : [ {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
}, {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamsResponseUp
get /api/V2/getusersteams/userrecordid/{userRecordId}
Get Team assignments for a user (teamsGetUsersTeamsV2)
Operation to get Team assignments for a user. To get record IDs, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public id."
Path parameters
userRecordId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the user record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"teams" : [ {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
}, {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamsV2ResponseUp
get /api/V1/getworkgroups
Get all available Workgroups (teamsGetWorkgroupsV1)
Operation to get IDs and names for all available Workgroups.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"teams" : [ {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
}, {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamsResponseUp
get /api/V2/getworkgroups
Get all available Workgroups (teamsGetWorkgroupsV2)
Operation to get IDs and names for all available Workgroups.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"teams" : [ {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
}, {
"teamName" : "teamName",
"teamId" : "teamId"
} ],
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamsV2ResponseUp
delete /api/V1/removecustomerfromworkgroup/workgroupid/{workgroupid}/customerrecordid/{customerrecordid}
Remove a customer from a Workgroup (teamsRemoveCustomerFromWorkgroupV1)
Operation to remove a Customer from a Workgroup. To remove, specify the Workgroup ID and the Customer Record ID.
Path parameters
workgroupid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Workgroup ID.
customerrecordid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the Customer record ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"workgroupId" : "workgroupId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"customerRecordId" : "customerRecordId",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.RemoveCustomerFromWorkgroupResponseUp
delete /api/V1/removeuserfromteam/teamid/{teamId}/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
Operation to remove a User from a Team. (teamsRemoveUserFromTeamV1)
Operation to remove a User from a Team. To get the User's record ID, use "Get a User by login ID" or "Get a User by public ID." To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams."
Path parameters
teamId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID of the Team.
userrecordid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID of the User to remove.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
No ContentUp
delete /api/V2/removeuserfromteam/teamid/{teamId}/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
Operation to remove a User from a Team. (teamsRemoveUserFromTeamV2)
Operation to remove a User from a Team. To get the User's record ID, use "Get a User by login ID" or "Get a User by public ID." To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams."
Path parameters
teamId (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the internal ID of the Team.
userrecordid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID of the User to remove.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"userRecordId" : "userRecordId",
"teamId" : "teamId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.RemoveUserFromTeamResponseUp
post /api/V1/saveteammember
Add or Update a team member (teamsSaveTeamMemberV1)
Operation to add or update a Team Member. To add or update, specify User ID, Team ID, and if Team Manager. Optionally, set the Team as the User's default Team.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.SaveTeamMemberRequest (required)
Body Parameter — The request object to add or update a Team Member. User recID specifies the User to add or update. TeamId specifies the Team to update. IsTeamManager specifies whether the User is a Team Manager, and SetAsDefaultTeam specifies whether to set this Team as the User's default team. UserRecId, TeamId, and IsTeamManager are required.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
isTeamManager (required)
Form Parameter —
setAsDefaultTeam (required)
Form Parameter —
teamId (required)
Form Parameter —
userRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.SaveTeamMemberResponseUp
post /api/V1/saveteam
Create or update a team (teamsSaveTeamV1)
Operation to create or update a Team or Workgroup.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamSaveRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to create Teams or Workgroups. To create a Team, use teamType and teamName. To update a team, use teamID. Team type values must be User or CustomerWorkgroup. The teamType cannot be changed for existing Teams or Workgroups.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
description (required)
Form Parameter —
emailAlias (required)
Form Parameter —
image (required)
Form Parameter —
teamId (required)
Form Parameter —
teamName (required)
Form Parameter —
teamType (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"teamId" : "teamId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.TeamSaveResponseUp
post /api/V1/saveworkgroupmember
Save the membership status of a Workgroup member. (teamsSaveWorkgroupMemberV1)
Operation to add or update a Workgroup Member. To add or update, specify Customer Record ID, Workgroup ID, and if Workgroup Manager.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.SaveWorkgroupMemberRequest (required)
Body Parameter — The request object to add or update a Workgroup Member. CustomerRecordId specifies the Customer to add or update. WorkgroupId specifies the Workgroup to update. CustomerIsWorkgroupManager specifies whether the Customer is a Workgroup Manager.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
customerRecordId (required)
Form Parameter —
workgroupId (required)
Form Parameter —
customerIsWorkgroupManager (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Teams.SaveWorkgroupMemberResponseUsers
post /api/V1/deleteuserbatch
Delete a batch of users (usersDeleteUserBatchV1)
Operation to delete a batch of users. To get record IDs, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public id."
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchDeleteRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object listing record IDs for users to be deleted and an error flag.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
userRecordIds (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"responses" : [ {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error",
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ]
}, {
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error",
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ]
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchDeleteResponseUp
post /api/V2/deleteuserbatch
Delete a batch of users (usersDeleteUserBatchV2)
Operation to delete a batch of users. To get record IDs, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public id."
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchDeleteRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object listing record IDs for users to be deleted and an error flag.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
userRecordIds (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"responses" : [ {
"userRecordId" : "userRecordId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"userRecordId" : "userRecordId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchDeleteV2ResponseUp
delete /api/V1/deleteuser/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
Delete a user by record ID (usersDeleteUserV1)
Operation to delete a user by record ID. To get record IDs, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public id."
Path parameters
userrecordid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID of the user you want to delete
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error",
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserDeleteResponseUp
delete /api/V2/deleteuser/userrecordid/{userrecordid}
Delete a user by record ID (usersDeleteUserV2)
Operation to delete a user by record ID. To get record IDs, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public id."
Path parameters
userrecordid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the record ID of the user you want to delete
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"userRecordId" : "userRecordId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserDeleteV2ResponseUp
get /api/V1/getlistofusers
Get a list of all system users. (usersGetListOfUsers)
Operation to get a list of all system users.
Query parameters
loginidfilter (required)
Query Parameter — Specify the login ID filter to apply to the users list.
stoponerror (optional)
Query Parameter — Specify whether the operation is interrupted if retrieving any user causes an error.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserListResponseUp
post /api/V1/getuserbatch
Get user information in a batch (usersGetUserBatchV1)
Operation to get user information in a batch. To get record IDs, use "Get a user by login ID" or "Get a user by public id."
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchReadRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object that lists user record IDs or public IDs of users and an error flag.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
readRequests (required)
Form Parameter —
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"responses" : [ {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchReadResponseUp
get /api/V1/getuserbyloginid/loginid/{loginid}
Get a user by login ID (usersGetUserByLoginIdV1)
Operation to get detailed user information by login ID. Use to get user record IDs and account settings, for example. This operation has been deprecated by a V2 operation of the same name, but with query string parameters.
Path parameters
loginid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the user's login ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserUp
get /api/V2/getuserbyloginid
Get a user by login ID and login ID type (usersGetUserByLoginIdV2)
Operation to get detailed user information by login ID. Use to get user record IDs and account settings, for example.
Query parameters
loginid (required)
Query Parameter — Specify the user's login ID.
loginidtype (required)
Query Parameter — Specify the login ID type.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserUp
get /api/V3/getuserbyloginid
Get a user by login ID and login ID type (usersGetUserByLoginIdV3)
Operation to get detailed user information by login ID. Use to get user record IDs and account settings, for example.
Query parameters
loginid (required)
Query Parameter — Specify the user's login ID.
loginidtype (required)
Query Parameter — Specify the login ID type.
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserV2Up
get /api/V1/getuserbypublicid/publicid/{publicid}
Get a user by public ID (usersGetUserByPublicIdV1)
Operation to get detailed user information by public ID. Use to get user record IDs and account settings, for example.
Path parameters
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the user's public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error",
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"error" : "error",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserReadResponseUp
get /api/V2/getuserbypublicid/publicid/{publicid}
Get a user by public ID (usersGetUserByPublicIdV2)
Operation to get detailed user information by public ID. Use to get user record IDs and account settings, for example.
Path parameters
publicid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the user's public ID.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"users" : [ {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserReadV2ResponseUp
get /api/V1/getuserbyrecid/recid/{recid}
Get a user by record ID (usersGetUserByRecId)
Operation to get detailed user information by record ID. Use to get user public IDs and account settings, for example.
Path parameters
recid (required)
Path Parameter — Specify the user's record ID
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"accountLocked" : true,
"lastPasswordResetDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"passwordNeverExpires" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"lastResetDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"createDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
"recordId" : "recordId",
"securityGroupId" : "securityGroupId",
"shortDisplayName" : "shortDisplayName",
"ldapRequired" : true,
"userCannotChangePassword" : true,
"userMustResetPasswordAtNextLogin" : true,
"hasError" : true,
"fields" : [ {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
}, {
"dirty" : true,
"displayName" : "displayName",
"fullFieldId" : "fullFieldId",
"name" : "name",
"html" : "html",
"value" : "value",
"fieldId" : "fieldId"
} ],
"publicId" : "publicId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserV2Up
post /api/V1/saveuserbatch
Create or update users in a batch (usersSaveUserBatchV1)
Operation to create or update users in a batch. To update, specify record ID. To create, leave record ID empty.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchSaveRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object listing user record IDs and an error flag.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
saveRequests (required)
Form Parameter —
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"responses" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
} ]
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchSaveResponseUp
post /api/V2/saveuserbatch
Create or update users in a batch (usersSaveUserBatchV2)
Operation to create or update users in a batch. To update, specify record ID. To create, leave record ID empty.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchSaveV2Request (required)
Body Parameter — Request object listing user record IDs and an error flag.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
saveRequests (required)
Form Parameter —
stopOnError (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"responses" : [ {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
}, {
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
} ],
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserBatchSaveV2ResponseUp
post /api/V1/saveuser
Create or update a user (usersSaveUserV1)
Operation to create or update a user. The response is a collection because if you use a public ID, more than one user could be updated since public IDs may not be unique.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserSaveRequest (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to specify user parameters and fields with values to be created or updated. The loginId and either the Business Object record ID or Public ID are required.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
accountLocked (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
displayName (required)
Form Parameter —
error (required)
Form Parameter —
errorCode (required)
Form Parameter —
hasError (required)
Form Parameter —
ldapRequired (required)
Form Parameter —
loginId (required)
Form Parameter —
nextPasswordResetDate (required)
Form Parameter — format: date-time
password (required)
Form Parameter —
passwordNeverExpires (required)
Form Parameter —
securityGroupId (required)
Form Parameter —
userCannotChangePassword (required)
Form Parameter —
userInfoFields (required)
Form Parameter —
userMustChangePasswordAtNextLogin (required)
Form Parameter —
windowsUserId (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"error" : "error",
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserSaveResponseUp
post /api/V2/saveuser
Create or update a user (usersSaveUserV2)
Operation to create or update a user. The response is a collection because if you use a public ID, more than one user could be updated since public IDs may not be unique.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:application/json
Request body
body Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserSaveV2Request (required)
Body Parameter — Request object to specify user parameters and fields with values to be created or updated. The loginId and either the Business Object record ID or Public ID are required.
Query parameters
lang (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
locale (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional parameter to specify the culture of the request. Either "lang" or "locale" can be used to specify the culture.
Form parameters
accountLocked (required)
Form Parameter —
allCultures (required)
Form Parameter —
busObId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObPublicId (required)
Form Parameter —
busObRecId (required)
Form Parameter —
displayName (required)
Form Parameter —
ldapRequired (required)
Form Parameter —
loginId (required)
Form Parameter —
nextPasswordResetDate (required)
Form Parameter — format: date-time
password (required)
Form Parameter —
passwordNeverExpires (required)
Form Parameter —
securityGroupId (required)
Form Parameter —
specificCulture (required)
Form Parameter —
userCannotChangePassword (required)
Form Parameter —
userInfoFields (required)
Form Parameter —
userMustChangePasswordAtNextLogin (required)
Form Parameter —
windowsUserId (required)
Form Parameter —
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
"busObPublicId" : "busObPublicId",
"errorMessage" : "errorMessage",
"errorCode" : "errorCode",
"hasError" : true,
"busObRecId" : "busObRecId",
"httpStatusCode" : "Continue"
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.application/json
OK Trebuchet.WebApi.DataContracts.Users.UserSaveV2ResponseModels
MethodsTable of Contents