HR Case Management Corporate Portal

The HR Case Management Corporate Portal compliments the look and feel of the HR Case Management Portal and is intended to be used as a web portal allowing end users access to manage and submit service requests across multiple departments within the enterprise.

The HR Case Management Corporate Portal is localized to English and Spanish. While Dashboards within this mApp exist for German, French and Brazilian Portuguese, they have not been translated at this time and are currently in English.

How the mApp Solution Works

CSM provides the Corporate Portal as a mergeable application (mApp) so that Users can easily incorporate this functionality into their existing CSM system.

The mApp includes the following items:

Item Category Item Typical Merge Action Localization


Corporate-Portal My Items









Import English & Spanish

Corporate Portal Theme






Green Button

Orange Button

Pink Button

Purple Button

Teal Button







Knowledge Article Search

My Open Requests Count

My Open Incidents Count

My Active Discussions Count

My Devices Count

Top Issues Count

Problems with a Work Around

Problems with no Work Around



Knowledge Articles with Like Counts

HR V3 Catalog

HR V3 Catalog-Stored Value

Discussions HR

Discussions FM

Sites Corporate Portal Import  
One-Step Actions Benefits Link

Policies and Procedures Link

Talent Acquisition Link

Performance Mgmt Link

HR V3 Catalog Link

Employment Verification Link

Direct Deposit Link

Vision Benefits

Internal Job Postings Link

W4 Link

Flexible Spending Link

Health Savings Link

Open Enrollment Link

Benefits Summary Link


Email Calendaring Link

Install Configure Software Link

Access Files Folders Drives Link

Wireless Access Link

Printing Issues Link

Password Reset Link

Desk Phone Link

Mobile Device Issues Link

Conference Room Equipment Link

Fixing Issues Link



New Incident

New Service Request

Stored Values

Stored Value - HR Catalog Category

Country Code

HR Customer Country

HR Supported Countries


Customizing the Dashboard

To customize the Dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. In the CSM Desktop Client, select Dashboards > Dashboard Manager...
  2. Right click on 2017 ESM Home (Dashboards>Global>HR Case>2017 Portal) and select Edit.
  3. Over each of the buttons are transparent Link Layers. Right-click on each of the link layers and select Widget Properties… (If you don't see an option for Widget Properties when right-clicking, you are not selecting the correct layer).
  4. Navigate to the appropriate Action that needs to initiate for that button and click OK.
    1. If you've previously installed our 2017 Global HR Case Portal mApp Solution and you would like to link the Human Resources GO button to the HR Case Home Dashboard, it can be found here: Global > HR Case > 2017-Portal > 2017 HR Case Home.
  5. If you would like to adjust the text shown on the Dashboard, you can easily do that by clicking on the text you would like to change and making your text edits in the upper left of your screen.
  6. When you are finished adjusting the Dashboard, click OK in the lower right to save your changes.
  7. You can edit the 2017 ESM My Items Dashboard just the same way you edited the 2017 ESM Home Dashboard.

Security Settings

To allow Portal customers and anonymous browser users to access the 2017 ESM Portal, you may need to update your security settings.

To update the security settings, follow these steps:

  1. Log into CSM Administrator and select Security.
  2. Select Edit Security Groups.
  3. In the Security Groups dialogue, select Anonymous Browser from the Group drop-down.
  4. Select the Rights tab and set the Category drop-down to Sites.
  5. Select 2017ESMPortal in the Sites list. Select the Use Default and View.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Select Portal Customer in the Group drop-down.
  8. Select the Rights tab and select Sites in the Category drop-down.
  9. Select 2017ESMPortal in the Sites list and uncheck Use Default at and Check View.
  10. Click Save.


This self-service Portal is available in English and Spanish.

While Dashboards within this mApp Solution exist for German, French, and Brazilian Portuguese, they have not been translated at this time and are currently in English.