Install HR Case Management Portals
To install the Cherwell HR Case Management Portals, perform the following steps:
- Save the HR Case Management_Portal.mApp file somewhere you can easily access it.
- Create a backup of your database. Cherwell offers a way to do this from the Administrator side or you are welcome to back up your database however you prefer.
- Once your backup is complete, Open the Cherwell Administrator and choose mApps on the right-hand side.
- Click Apply a mApp.
- Navigate to and open your saved mApp file.
- Follow the instructions in the Apply mApp Wizard.
- After the mApp has successfully installed and merge processes have run and a Blueprint is generated, open Cherwell Service Management (The Blue Client).
- Click Help > Reload Definitions.
- Once definitions are reloaded, click Dashboards > Dashboard Manager.
- Your new Human Resources Dashboards are located here:
- Global/Corporate Portal/Human-Resources-v3/HRV3-Enter
- Global/Corporate Portal/Human-Resources-v3/HRV3-Home
- Global/Corporate Portal/Human-Resources-v3/HRV3-Catalog