Use HRSM Cases to track and manage HR-related work items. Each HRSM case can have multiple HR Tasks associated with it. You can also use HR Checklists to simplify the work.

See the following workflow diagram.

Employees' assigned countries drive many behaviors in Cherwell® HRSM. Depending on the country, CSM renders different specifics forms, task templates, and checklist assignments. The country also drives default service and escalation teams.

With HR Case Management, you can:

  • Optimize the HR caseload:
    • Resolve redundant cases.
    • Split and duplicate cases.
    • Open an IT request from an HR Case.
    • Set an HR Case to Pending status while waiting for external input.
    • Nominate the resolution of an HR Case for the HR Knowledge Base.
  • Securely view HR Cases.
  • Submit an HR Case on behalf of another employee.
  • Use HR SLAs (based on HR Case priority).
  • Take advantage of many HR Reports.

Good to Know:

  • The Employment Verification link appears in the Actions list in the specific form for Employment verification. It triggers an email with the requester name and a template to be filled out by the HR Case Agent.
  • The Update Customer link appears in the Actions list on several specifics forms. It triggers a One-Step Action to update a customer record. As HR Cases progress, you may want to update customer records with the information you collect. You might also choose to configure the One-Step Action to trigger an API call if you are running an integration with HRIS applications such as WorkDay or ADP.