Company Form
The Managed Service Provider mApp® Solution introduces a Company Business Object that is used to manage records for Individual Companies, Parent Companies, and Child Companies.
Use the Company form to record and manage information about a company. The following sections make up the Company form:
- Default form: Displays important at-a-glance information, such as Company name, Company status, primary contact, support team, and account manager.
- Pages tabs: Dynamically displays a tabbed collection of related forms and records.
- Form area: Displays the main form fields.
- Actions list: Dynamically displays a list of actions that are available for the Company.
The following table describes the fields and other elements that make up the Company form:
Field | Description |
Default Form | Displays important at-a-glance information, such as Company name, Company status, primary contact, support team, and account manager. |
Company Name | Populated from the Company Name field on the Overview form. |
Company Status | Statuses include:
Primary Contact | Populated from the Primary Contact Name field and Primary Contact Email field |
Support | Populated from the Default Support Team drop-down list |
Account Manager | The internal Customer responsible for managing the Company's account within MSP. Populated from the Account Manager related item picker. |
Pages Tabs | Dynamically displays a tabbed collection of related forms and records. |
Overview | Form entry view to enter company basics and use Action Menu. |
Journals | Journal details and tracking. |
Tasks | Company-specific tasks. |
Related CIs | Any configuration items that are assigned to this company. |
Site | Locations specified to this company. |
MSP Services | The Service Catalog areas that the MSP has contracted with this company to support. |
MSP Support | The technicians (users) that are assigned to support this company from the Service Desk |
Assigned SLAs | The SLAs associated with this company that the MSP has agreed to. |
Form Area | Displays the main form fields. |
Company Name | Name of the Company. |
Company ID | ID of the Company. Used in filtering several areas, such as MSP Services. |
Primary Contact Name | Name of the primary contact at the Company. The related item picker will use the Customer - External record to complete the information fields for the primary contact. |
Primary Contact Phone | Populated from the related item picker for the Company's Primary Contact. |
Primary Contact Email | Populated from the related item picker for the Company's Primary Contact. |
Default SLA Subscription | Drop-down list is populated from the options available on the Assigned SLAs tab. |
Company Phone | Company phone number. |
Company Website | Company website. |
Company Site | Company's location based on the Site Business Object related item picker. Address, City, State/Provence, and Postal Code are populated from the Site record. |
Default Support Team | This team acts as the 'triage' for all incoming tickets from this Company. Tickets are auto-routed to this team from the CSM Portal submissions. |
Account Manager | The Customer-Internal person who is responsible for managing this Company's account with the MSP organization (example, who handles their contract, customer success, and so on.) |
Action List | Dynamically displays a list of actions that are available for the Company. |
Assign to Me | Assigns the company Account Manager as the current User. |
Create New Contact | Creates a new Customer - External record. |
Remove a Service | Allows the user to individually remove assigned Service Catalog items. |
Remove All Services | Allows the user to remove all assigned Service Catalog items. |
Convert to Parent Company | Changes the current record to a Parent company and adds a new tab to the pages for Children Companies. |
Link to Parent Company | Changes the current record to a Child company and adds a new tab to the pages for Parent Company. |
Flag as At Risk | Changes the current company record to the Status of At Risk and allows for entry of an At Risk Reason. |