Create an HR Knowledge Article

The first step in the HR Knowledge Article workflow is to create the Knowledge Article itself. Then, you can move to the next step, which is the Technical Review.

To create an HR Knowledge Article:

  1. In the CSM Desktop Client, select New > New Knowledge - HR.
    A new HR Knowledge Article form opens.
  2. Article Type: Each Article Type has a different article format.
  3. Select a Category.
  4. Subcategory choices are driven by the Category selection.
    • The teams for technical review, format review, and publishing approval are stored in the HR Category table.
    • All articles have a technical review. Format review is only initiated if the article is marked Visible in the Portal. All have a publishing approval.
  5. Service: Service choices are driven by the Category and Subcategory selections.
  6. Assigned Team: Autopopulated based on the Category choice.
  7. Assigned To: Assign the KA to a team member.
  8. Technical Review Team and Format Review Team: Autopopulated based on the Category choice.
  9. Visible on Customer Portal: You may have some articles that are for internal use only; if you want this KA viewable by end users, select the Visible in Portal box.
  10. Make FAQ on Customer Portal: Select this option if you want the KA to appear in the FAQ grid on the HR Portal.
  11. Set Review Date. Sets a timeframe for review of the article. The article won't be removed from the Published state, but a Ready for Review alert appears on the Knowledge dashboard.
  12. Keywords: Keywords are used to determine which Knowledge Articles appear as solution suggestions in HR Cases. At a minimum, add the exact category and subcategory terms separated by commas (example: Benefits, Beneficiaries) so the article appears in the proper location in the Portal. Consider including informal language and misspellings.
  13. Provide a Title for the KA.

Fill out the Customer Persona Details. This information is used to determine which HR Knowledge Articles are available on the Portal for end users. These can be extended to include any other core customer attributes (union membership, campus, etc.). These fields are not required.

  1. Exemption Status: Choose exempt or non-exempt.
  2. Employee Status: Choose a status.
  3. Select the Manager check box if the Knowledge Article should be visible only to users who are designated as managers.
  4. Use Country Code and States/Provinces information to restrict access to the HR KA based on a geography.
  5. In the Actions section, you can add comments and set:
    • Review date: The article won't be removed from the Published state, but a Ready for Review alert appears on the Knowledge dashboard.
    • Publish date: Approvals can be performed ahead of time, but the HR KA will not publish until the date you set.